chapter 7

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Zayn POV

Kat is asleep right now in my arms and for the first time in a long time I feel like I actually have a woman I can count on a woman that's not being with the love of my life someone that loves me for me and can understand that I have a daughter knows where I come from and everything and seeing past the fact that I'm a singer to see past the fact that I'm model to see past the fact that I'm an actor because as of now according to the Hollywood I am now a triple threat and she doesn't care about that but she likes is the real me but deep down inside and that's all I ever wanted and loved I need some stuff that I'm going to be famous all my life you never know what can happen you gotta have someone in your corner that you can trust and love that's what Love's about and I know she's been through a lot as well and I'm not about to let her be put through that again

Because I am going to protect because I love her and her daughter Maya so much right now it me and her and the kids against anyone who try and break us because it not going to happen she looks so sweet when she is sleeping

Kat- ( in her sleep I love you Zayn)

Zayn - I love you too baby

Kat-(wakes up) - did I fall asleep during the movie sorry about that baby

Zayn - don't be sorry about baby I like watching you sleep makes me feel comfortable knowing that you're actually getting a good night's sleep for a while you want to go to my room and we'll get some sleep you know you did say you sleep better in my arms

Kat - yeah that would be a lot more comfortable than the couch lol

Zayn - just so you know one of my best friend's is coming over tomorrow his name is Liam Payne's you might have heard of him he's a rapper

Kat- he's one of my favorites I can't wait to meet him and never thought you know him how did you meet him

Zayn - I kind of knew him since we were in high school together because we grew up together in me Harry Styles Louis Tomlinson and Niall Horan we all grew up together so we're all pretty tight and close yeah just so you know Niall is going to my guitar player

Kat - yeah I heard either the guitar player and everything like that and I heard it was one of your best friends and stuff so all four of you are like a rock together or something off of You Stick Together Like Glue you and the four of them

Zayn - yes we did and if it wasn't for my best female friend Gigi Hadid who I dated back in high school I would have even had my start she got my foot in the door modeling which one grateful to her for that but meet her just friends now because I mean she's got a guy your life and everything in it I mean we were great when your high school but then when she moved it was best just to be friends because dating long-distance is kind of hard

Kat - yeah you're right do you want to since it's kind of hard because I had a boyfriend back in high school we had a similar situation his family moved away so we called it quits and just stayed friends but from what I heard here lately he's been pretty busy with traveling the world and doing stuff around here is you not working for Unicef any teachers over and I forgot that's what he gets paid to do anyway last I checked I don't know if you still doing that though so be kind of hard to stay in touch with him now

Zayn - yeah you're right to me easy to sometimes lose touch with your friends and stuff so anyway I think we should get some sleep because I can barely keep my eyes open

Kat - and I believe you have an early call time to be in the studio recording tomorrow and then you have a photo shoot right after that. I don't want you tired I think you're absolutely right about getting to bed

Zayn - come on baby

I picked her up and went to bed and as we going to are room we can hear him in her room on Skype talking to Louis having a big laugh I think she's about to find happiness too because from what Kat said she been through quite a lot as well and these girls both deserve happiness with my baby because she was very long day tomorrow



As soon as we went to bed and I can hear my friend to. Zayn manager I know one thing for sure and my best friend was going to finally have the love she deserves just like I'm going to have it because that's all we ever really wanted out of life was a chance to be loved and never really found that back where we us to live but now we can become this is a new beginning for us all in the love area


Meanwhile Perrie POV

I need to somehow try to kidnap Michelle so I can get some money he's making the deal right now I want to party but I'm losing money and stuff left and right yeah and we had the kid with him because he didn't want to give her up and everything when I got pregnant so young but I know one thing I can try to keep her as a meal ticket LOL but then again he figured out that maybe he was the better parent to tell you the truth he is and I can't believe my parents actually sided with him oh well no use crying over spilled milk there's gotta be some way I can get money out of him but if I can't kidnap my my daughter there's got to be something going around

Yeah I'm not the most caring Mother by the sounds of things to you people but you never know hopefully I can probably figure something out here I'm so funny that her that he moved on Zayn moved on with somebody never thought that he would come a triple threat

Probably wondering why I know all this stuff because I've been secretly watching him that everything is required to try to hire my daughter and I know it's my own fault that I lost my rights and everything to her but I just can't live up to what she needs right now too much into the party scene too far gone if you had asked me that way I've got to figure out how to get out of the situation did I mention I'm also into a gambling problem yeah I'm a little bit over my head

Zayn Triple ThreatWhere stories live. Discover now