chapter 4

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As soon as we got to his condo I couldn't believe how big it was but was a lot better than where we were living before

Kat - well you're condo was looking pretty big it looks really good from the outside

Pamela - ya it do look really good

Zayn -so how much older are you then Kat

Pamela - I'm 29 I have a teenage son that 16 he goes to college her he's got a scholarship full paid which is good because I don't think I would be able to pay his tuition I do help where I can

Zayn - so you kind of had a Young

Kat - yeah she had me on similar situation anyway you said about the punch and everything being spiked what happened at the party and her case is well she told me about that but her mother was always thankful and supported her but she still does

Pamela - yeah the guy that supposedly got me pregnant that night didn't want to take no responsibility or anything so I just  raised kid on my own

Zayn - what is your son's name

Pamela - is name is David

Kat - and she raised being responsible and everything and he's a good kid

Zayn - that's a good thing how high is a scholarship because the money that I'm bringing in from being a model is helping me big time if he needs any extra money let me know so by the sounds of things were pretty young when you had him

Pamela - yes I was but least my mother was there when I needed help and everything when I finished high school and everything like that and went and got my degree online I'm just upgrading now and My Bodyguard course and stuff like that and everything so I mean my security courses and stuff

Zayn - maybe you should start working with me as a bodyguard and maybe you couldn't also still get the job I heard you one for his Michelle's bodyguard 2 what I'm thinking is maybe you might want to do a bit of head security for me because I was told by my lonely agency they want me to have a team around me of security guards and people I can trust because they think that I really need to have somebody in my corner besides the two little bodyguards they hired me from the sounds of it you have a course and everything that can mean you can lead a full body team which means I'll be working with my manager mostly with just my best friend Louis

Pamela - okay I'll take that job so basically my whole job as head of your security team is be responsible a little daughter Michelle I can handle that

Zayn - yes and like I said your job Kat  will be looking after Michelle

Kat - okay I got it

Zayn - okay I think we should go out later on to get some Nursery stuff and everything is set up one of the rooms for your daughter Maya so sure we have a comfortable space of her own when she was living here too I don't mind helping you girls get back on your feet pretty much you both got out of rotten relationships and everything and you're trying to start a new plan you have the backgrounds that you know I need for work so it's a win-win situation for us all

Kat - you're right that is a great situation for us all when we get to starting you on your feet and me working lost their jobs with her trying to pay for my horses so if they let you pay me will help

Zayn - you should know now that the modeling agency that I work for will pay half of your schooling for you because you're working with me so they and I will pay the other half for you I almost got my car so that's acting school that you're going to done a music production they're even helping me finish my college do I got into modeling in the evening because it was a good way for me to get rid of three jobs I was working and support my daughter and now it's something I absolutely love doing I would also like to get into acting when they if I can't then maybe even get into singing some time I've ever had the chance my boss is that the model you just said of that came around I become a triple threat because they did not want to let me go and I said that'd be kind of cool but I can't see it happening that so quickly

I was thinking all that he didn't know that later on that day we will be going out to a coffee shop and he will be sitting down and doing his own lyrics of a song and he would have no clue that the one and only Simon Cowell would be there

Zayn - hey guys I've Got a Feeling maybe we should go out to Starbucks even though I don't work there no more but I like to go have a coffee and I go to the one that used to work at all my friends that work there always talk to me and tease me first thing you say to me when I walked in there how's your favorite male model I crack up laughing at that and I will bust or even think that's a good idea what I'm doing because he knew that I was burning the candle at both ends when it came to trying to raise my daughter go to college least this is a steady job that I don't need to get three different ones and I have time for Michelle now

Kat- yes you do you have time for a nap I'll go get her in my Maya so we can all go for that coffee

After I got the kids would love to go to Starbucks looks like I'm going to have a brand new life now here and starting a new I just hope that my old boyfriend never tries to come back and cause problems for me at least now I have a decent job and I'm finishing school and I'm going to be there and raise my child without having to worry about him hopefully everything will be a proper now I do not need that baggage in my life and it's good to see that  Zayn has been through the exact same thing as me so he understands what I'm going through also really good thing you know that I have my best friend that's like a sister with me she do anything to protect me even though she's a few years older than me but she's always been there when I needed someone

Zayn Triple ThreatWhere stories live. Discover now