chapter 18

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Just got for my classes from college because I'm finishing up my degree and everything which I'm so grateful to the fact that  Zayn very supportive about that I looked into the living room to see that it was only  Pamela the the girls home

Kat - Where is Zayn

Michelle- daddy out doing some stuff that he needs to do with Uncle  Liam and Uncle Niall and Uncle Louis Uncle Harry wasn't with them because he's away doing a photoshoot

Kat - okay so that means you're watching the girls for a bit till they get back right

Pamela - yeah you know when you wanted someone with the girls that you can trust and everything why you weren't here you know the boys had to go out and do some errands and stuff so hopefully everything's cool how was your day at college

Kat - it was kind of crazy if you ask me because every time I walked down the corridor I get looks from girls because they know I'm going out with everything and then the girls to shut up and leave me alone and everything because I've got somebody in my life that I can count on and then one of the guys that's in my class is a friend of mine told me he thought a spot at my ex Ashton in a vehicle hanging around the school so I thank Calum Hood for telling a about that because if he didn't I don't know what can happen that's why I told the professor that my ex was hanging around about what's going on security. Make sure you left

Pamela - what time was that around because to tell you the truth he was here earlier checking out the house I don't know what Ashton is planning but there's something going on for sure

Kat - that is not a very good idea and I wanted to make sure I know everybody is safe around here and that

Pamela - will you think stuff like that is bad. Edwards was following the boys around today doing what they're doing I tell you something is definitely going on and I want to make sure that I know everybody's safe and sound and this so just so you know before tonight I am going to be taking the girls over to luis's house because you know I just thought it be nice for you and you and.  Zayn have a night to yourselves since it is your 3 month dating anniversary

Kat - yeah you're absolutely right about that and I'm looking forward to spending some time with just him because to tell you the truth we haven't had a chance to spend much time in the last couple weeks I've been so busy with finals and he's been so busy with getting things ready and then for the next leg of the tour and you're definitely finish your course and everything and then you're stepping up more and more as head of security to make sure everybody's safe around here

Pamela - well that's what you hired me to do to make sure everything is safe and sound as head of his security team so there's no way I'm going to let anything happen to anybody at my watch you know what I'm like

Kat - yes I definitely know what you like that's why I just said you're the best big sister in the world even though it's not by Blood but I know you got my back and everything

Maya - mom you know that Pamela is always going to have your back and he's always going to have our backs as well and tonight we want you and Daddy to have a special night together because it's been 3 months for you and was so excited

I have to think it's really sweet and everything how the fact that my daughter has finally started calling my new boyfriend daddy and everything and she loves him so much and I will have the fact that his daughter is calling me Mommy and everything to know because the thing is we are actually filling the void but they're missing

Michelle - I know one thing for sure I know you better dress up pretty and everything tonight because it's your anniversary and I want Daddy to be feeling nice and happy because of it

Kat - yeah I think you're right maybe if I do that he will be surprised what do you think baby girls

Michelle- I think it will blow his mind away mommy

I bought I always feel happy when she calls me that and I think for once my life is looking up and I'm thankful to be away from my crazy family and starting new with the love of my life I mean even if we just live together for a long long time I'm so happy cuz we said no I have someone who loves me for the right reasons and everything I just wish that he would soon propose even though we only been together 3 months I feel and know that he is definitely the one for me

Pamela POV

I can definitely tell she has the upper hand turning her head wondering if he'll ever proposed to her she has no clue what he has planned for her tonight the girls and everything know about it because he actually asked the two of them what they thought and has to have permission to marry her he didn't ask for my permission because I'm like the only family she had left course I gave them my blessings this is going to be perfect and this is finally something that she deserves

Pamela - hope that you and him have a good night tonight because I got a feeling that you're going to love whatever it is he has planned I don't know what it is or anything but I'm just saying in general you know

Kat - yeah I know I mean I mean even when he's really busy just working hours and he knows he's going to be late coming home with me at night I'll send me a dozen roses or something just to tell me how much you love me and that is just he's worn out from working extra hours sometimes but that's what it's like when you're a triple threat but I'm going to be in his Corner no matter what and I've got to understand that there's going to be tabloid stuff made up and everything just comes with the territory and so that trust though

Pamela - you see that's why you guys work so well together anyway I'm going to get this girl's already and stuff so we can head over to Louis's tonight and you have a good time with your man me and Luis got the girls all night

Kat - you know for sure I'm definitely going to have a good time with my man and you have a good time with yours and the girls I haven't seen you this happy in a long time either you have a good one too in Louis yeah I did now if only we can help Niall and Harry find someone that would the greatest those boys could

I definitely know one thing for sure that she is going to have the best night of her life and she is definitely going to say yes to her soon-to-be fiance if I know that's what she's going to feel safe and loved and she's gone this is where she belongs

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