chapter 19

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Zayn POV

I have absolutely everything set up it's going to be a perfect night for me and my beautiful girlfriend I can't wait to pop the question to her because in the last three months she has become my everything I love her daughter as if she was my own and I just want to move forward with my life and her and I forget about everything that has happened with my ex

Liam - well it's a good thing that we're hoping you got everything taken care of her man and I know you're going to have a good time tonight

Louis - you better have a really good time after all the planning you did LOL

Niall - yeah and I hope everything goes good and let us know how things go with me to tell you there's times like this I think you Louis and Liam absolutely looking as you have girl friends that you can count on stuff like that I just wish that me and Harry can find that

Liam - well we used to always talk to the two of you would always be Bachelors LOL remember that but I gotta feeling that you guys will find the right girl out there somewhere

Louis - you know what would be really funny if one of them actually won on the show The Bachelor and became the bachelor LOL

The funny thing is as we were all joking about this Harry phoned up on Liam and told him that he got picked to be the next Bachelor

Liam - does joking about 1 and then going on The Bachelor well guess what for real Harry is going to be the next Bachelor

Zayn - did not see that one coming LOL

Niall - yeah I think that's a funny one and that were all joking about it and the next thing you know Harry actually ends up on The Bachelor LOL

Zayn - well I think it's time for you guys to go and do what you gotta do and everything in it because I'm just going to set up a little bit around here and it's going to be me and my baby tonight

Louis - yeah man you don't need to worry about the girls or anything I mean Pam I got them over at my place tonight it's going to be fun

Zayn - yeah it's a good thing and everything because I tell you the truth knowing the fact that Ashton and Perrie it around lately they're definitely up to something least I know about the girls are safe at your place

With that the boys so I can I finish getting everything ready but an hour later Pamela left to go to Luis house with the girls but as they were leaving the girls said good luck Daddy to me because they really want me and my baby to get married and they can't wait for me and her to adopt the other one so they can actually be sisters and have a life together yep everything's looking good these days I just want to complete my life with the family that I deserve great career and good being a triple threat I just wish the tabloids would stop trying to get into my business


I came over about doing some last-minute errands and stuff then after getting here and everything done that in a nice dress yet because cording to Pamela my baby wanted me to go out and get dressed and get pampered today at the spa so I just got back and I'm all done up nicely and I wonder why he wanted me to be all dolled up and everything but it's nice for him to treat me to a day at the spa

When I open the door to the house the first thing I saw was a trail of beautiful rose petals and everything going to the dining room when I walked into the dining room they are still my baby Standing Tall in a nice tux with a dozen roses for me

I looked around the room and saw that he had a nice romantic dinner and everything made this is so sweet I thought to myself

Kat - baby this is so absolutely sweet and romantic I love you

Zayn - good to know because I love you too beautiful and this is been the best 3 months of my life and I know I have my daughter and I know I have my great career but it's good to have someone I can share it with

Kat - baby you keep talking like that you're going to get lucky tonight

Zayn - well why don't you get over here so I can pull out your chair for you and we can have a nice romantic dinner and then I have more planned for us tonight this is our 3 month dating anniversary head disorder make you feel special baby

Kat - what you're actually doing baby and I love you for that thank you

Zayn - you're absolutely welcome to have beautiful let's eat and then I want to take you upstairs and pamper you some more

Kat - I gotta say this you are the best thing that's ever happened in my life besides my daughter Zayn jawaad Malik and there's no way I'm about to ever let you go yep I finally found the love of my life and I'm safe and sound in his arms where I need to be

Zayn - that's exactly where I'm planning on keeping you busy for the rest of my life

Kat - you know baby you keep talking like that and you're definitely going to get lucky tonight

Zayn - I'm not speaking those words to get lucky or anything tonight but even those very truthful these words are from my heart and it's because I love you to death and everything like that if I do get lucky tonight that's just a bonus lol

Kat - well by the sounds of things you're just going to have a really good bonus tonight

After of those words I looked up and saw my baby getting down on one knee

Zayn - kat I know now that you got 3 months ago and I know that it all started for me hiring you want to be my daughter's nanny but there's a lot more to you than that and everything I love you so much and I love your daughter as if she was my own so what I'm trying to ask you is what you do me the honor of marrying me

Kat - yes I will marry you 110% yes I love you so much baby you're my everything and I feel like I can start a family with someone and have love in my life and not have to wake up scared what my other half is going to do for once in my life I feel like I'm where I need to be

Zayn - well I can honestly say that you're the best thing that's happened in my life and I can't wait to see where this is going to go and you're everything to me and I have a good feeling that we're going to be the best weekend together with their daughters because I definitely do want to adopt Maya

Kat - yes and see where this journey is going to take us and I definitely do want to also I don't Michelle let's pray and hope that we can not have to deal with her ex is coming around we don't need their s*** and drama doing baby this night so that me and you so yeah you're definitely getting lucky tonight Zayn jawaad Malik I love you

Zayn - I love you more babe

Kat - I bet Pamela was in on this wasn't she she told you my ring size and everything

Zayn - yes you did I even ask her for permission to marry you because I knew you never had your family around and I wanted to make sure that if you buy you considered family was okay with it and she's like the only family you have right you said and I even asked your little girl when I even asked my little girl what they think and they said go for it so basically I got permission from everybody LOL

Kat - you are so sweet and romantic I love you for that yes and if you want to take me upstairs and have a little fun like you said you have stuff planned and let's go

What are you take me upstairs and carry me upstairs I wonder how the rest of this night is going to go

Zayn Triple ThreatOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant