chapter 36

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Zayn POV

Now that I know Pamela is safe and sound I'm happy because she like as sister to me Louis and Paul just came back home with her and the first thing that Kat did was hug her sister it was almost like she was crying

Pamela - I'm fine sis I'm ok and I'm sorry that I never told you that i was your biological sister before because the thing is I was trying my best to protect you from her father and I didn't know how crazy he was he didn't get a chance to do anything to me though because I got away before he could with the help of my ex-boyfriend I told you he went to get help and everything in turn his life around and hopefully he can find someone new and nobody wants to do that would be a good friend to me now because he understands our party moved we also have to be able to still see his son and David agreed he will spend time with his father from time to time but that's right that's going to go just a friendship

Zayn - well we were all very worried about you were thinking that you're safe and okay because we will be found out that you were pregnant and everything you're more concerned with then  because what about your unborn child

Paul - I think you would be a good thing if we took you to the hospital to get your check though just to be on the safe side I mean they might have done anything in that to you but you were gone for like 4 or 5 days and you might not have a chance to eat much just want to make sure your unborn child is okay you know what I mean

Pamela - to tell you the truth that's something I totally agree with because I want to make sure I don't even know if I have any more know if I'm having more it's hard to tell if she got to be at least 5 months to tell the gender but you never know how many you're carrying that once once you're a month all over so I can tell you if you're carrying more than once about a month now so we'll see

David - yeah I kind of forgot that there is more than one and your family cuz didn't you say that you were almost a twin mom but your twin brother didn't make it

Pamela - my twin brother never made it so you were right about that anyway that's why I'm saying it's a possibility I could carry more than one

Louis - there's a really good chance that you can carry more than one because they're twins in my family too so I think we should go and find out for sure that everything's okay because I want to make sure my unborn child or an unborn children whatever it is that you're caring you're okay and I need to know that you're safe and sound and everything was OK and you weren't on the nourishment or anything why they had to

Pamela - okay this will please everybody I'll go and get the help I need and everything that just to make sure

Zayn - good cuz I didn't go on your own we were going to bring you because there's no way we're going to let you go without your being checked like I said you're considered family to us now because I am going to be marrying your sister so you're going to be my sister-in-law no way am I letting anything happen to you

Pamela - I totally feel like I'm a member here so yeah let's go if you want me to go to the hospital and get checked

Maya - go to the hospital and get checked  auntie because if not I'm going to kick your butt

Pamela - gave you know I'm definitely outnumbered when my little niece wants to kick my ass

Michelle-  auntie that's not a very good word to be using

Zayn - face it you're totally on Humbert so we're taking you to the hospital right now come on

With that we all left and took my soon to be sister in law to the hospital because we need to make sure nothing happened to her when. She was kidnapped


Pamela POV

You told everybody that I'm fine but I did not want them to know that I almost got raped by my father because I definitely did not want my sister to know that scare her more because he is definitely determined to get her but luckily enough I need him in the balls before he went that's why he was so mad with me so good thing I was able to get out of there when I did so I will let her be grateful to Luke Hemmings for doing that for me because he didn't help me when you did God only knows how long it still be there

David - dad may be a lot of things and everything but at least he helps you get out of there I never forgive him for that and leave he's trying to rebuild a relationship and everything I'm grateful that he's getting back together me and that's all I want but I can understand that will never be the family that we were once before all this happened but it's a good thing we have  Louis because he's like a real father to me

Louis - thanks kid now let's get your mother seen

When we got to the hospital if I have been having more than one which is great cording to the doctor I'm having quadruplets so that's going to be a really good thing I mean I guess it's probably that way because they're twins and my family on my father's side and they're twins and lose his family so I guess that's why I ended up caring for this is going to be fun I just hope I don't have to have a lot of puking or anything through this whole thing going to the doctor I'm fine but I am a little under nourish from where they kept me for 5 or 6 days but they made sure I got some nutrients and everything in me so hopefully everything will work out the way it's supposed to be now that I'm back safe and sound I just hope that when my dad knows I'm gone he don't freak out

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