chapter 26

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Perrie POV

I don't know what it was I was thinking when I wanted to go last place with a gun I don't know why I was doing that I think I was really strong out last night on drugs yeah I can't remember what it was but I took

Ashton- baby you don't even have the stuff you were doing last night too because I remember you getting really high drugs for shooting up heroin and everything so there's definitely something going on I can't believe you went with a gun I had to take one case you would get out of control and next thing do you remember anything you done last night

Perrie - I don't have a clue about anything I did last night if you want to think I remember it was the fact that I got high on heroin and maybe got a little drunk at that party what happened after that I know I took a gun but I don't know what I did

Ashton- baby you went over to your ex-boyfriend's house where he is now engaged to my ex girlfriend of course and I had to take a gun to because I didn't know what was going on when you took a gun we got over there and you wanted a right away and kidnapped the kids I thought it would be a suicide because of me know what's going on they had Scotland Yard around they had everything they have more bodyguards and that so I had to bench you to drive around and make sure there was nobody around first and then we noticed more bodyguards and Scotland Yard are we hightailed it out of there but as we're driving away he started shooting up the mailbox of the rapper Liam Payne and then you threw a letter on a brick towards him and I threw my own letter as well with threats on it just to help you out of it so you wouldn't be going down by yourself you definitely had no clue of everything that you were thinking last night was like you were Way Beyond level headed whatever you shot up last night must've really put you on edge

Perrie - damn I can't remember half the stuff I did last night I'm going I'm just partying and getting into gambling and getting into drugs into getting in over my head do you try to connect to my daughter and that if you don't forward this to use it for money but would never hurt her and that way she would show her around or something but I would never go towards them guns but I'm definitely losing it because I never ever ever had intention to try to kill anybody you know what I mean I have a cough, send it up then I guess whatever I shot up last night was making me think something totally different

Ashton - you think I'm telling you you were definitely out of it last night it's a good thing that I was with you to keep you from going too far man I could give me some drive and that go along with you to make you feel better and stuff and then I took it back home and if they find out we're we are hiding it where it should because right now they got a bulletin out for us because we have gun charges put towards us now yeah so basically we wanted at Large because of that stupid stunt you pulled last night but I'm still going to be by your side and love you I'm starting to feel that maybe this party life and everything that we're going through is something you shouldn't be doing baby I think it's time wise up and I'm starting to think and then maybe it's better that my daughter and my ex wants someone with more stable than me

Perrie - I never believed in my family was telling me that this was going to ruin my life and make me out of control and stuff and I think that's exactly what my party and drug use and gambling and everything is done to me I'm not the woman I was years ago what happened to her not the sweet loving care free girl who kept in contact with her friends who did everything she was supposed to do who stayed in school stay on track or try to enjoy who loves her boyfriend in high school and was sweet and then all of a sudden I got in with the wrong crowd and because of it I lost everything I lost my little girl I lost my first love so we have maybe they're better off with someone else as well because I made a mess of everything I understand now why he got custody of our daughter because I'm a mess

Ashton- hey baby I don't know about you but I agree we are not alone in this and everything like that I think what we could do it's probably turn ourselves in Scotland Yard explain to them what happened because we never hurt another you never fired the guns are only just had the windows and we weren't thinking straight and yeah sure I was watching the window and maybe even checking it Maya she may think I was doing that to hurt her but I was doing it to keep her safe and she was snapped find a formula to put a letter in the mailbox plain things to them a bit more that what was really going on last night so they would be able to take that into consideration when they catch us or if I could think she would turn ourselves in I even sent you a letter I think it's time we went to get our act together and that we're going to leave them alone there's too much drama going on I moved on to it for me and you to their acts together and try to move forward and get her life together if we have to go to jail for a little bit for what we tried to do last night on a lesser charge and stuff we will then when we get out when we go back to school and everything and change your life around this is can not be out even if it takes people to have an intervention with us and if our daughters get adopted by the other one that's with their exes so be it we can move on and start a new one if we have kids we can raise them to the best of our ability and not go back but if we feel like we're going to have a relapse we can talk to a counselor or something like that and do what's best for the kids at that time but I think it's time that we get our act together

I know that whatever he was saying was absolutely right we need to try to figure out a way to get her act together and everything because I can't believe I actually went that far is go around the gun last night what is the God damn was I thinking

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