chapter 10

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We just left the the studio to make sure everything was okay Pamela went ahead of us to make sure Perrie did not come back and she check to make sure that my ex was not around to because she wants us all very safe she taking her job very seriously

Zayn - what you thinking about their baby

Kat- Pamela takes her job too seriously sometimes because now that she has a Perrie was around just making sure that my ex is not around her that's why she's gone on ahead she has more bodyguards here with us just to be on the safe side because she doesn't know if Perrie going to coming back

Paul- actually what she's doing the most standard protocol that a lot of the security guards would do in a situation like this so trust me she ain't going overboard

Kat-ok I just don't want her to get in over her head

Zayn - babe she is trained she definitely knows what she's doing okay

Kat- you're right I guess she's just thought I really had in my corner ever since things went down with my family she's always been there for me and Maya her and her son have come like family to us but it good that we all have you in are life now baby

Zayn - I think is a really good thing because I didn't have you in my life now I don't know where I'd be that time I find someone for myself and you're everything I'm going to need because you have proven to me that you want me for the right reasons Kat

Kat-(kiss Zayn) I love you

Zayn - (kiss Kat Back)I love you more babe

Kat - baby I feel safe with you and I can't thank you enough for everything that you been doing for us

Zayn - no it just started it with me giving you a job but look at it now we're more than that one love with each other and everything so of course I'm going to do anything for you baby and help you finish getting your degree and everything and I'm going to be there for you and your daughter and maybe one of these days if what you think it's okay I want to adopt Maya

Kat - baby that would be geart because I love you so much and Maya is taken to alot so yes you can and I would like to adopt Michelle as well because to tell you the truth I don't ever see her mother getting her act together and I don't see Maya father getting his act together either

Zayn - according to the law where they both can prove an unfit if we met somebody else and they want to adopt our children they have the right to do that has these kids deserve to have a proper life so I hear one out about each other's kids good baby to tell you the truth I don't want to be with anybody but you

Kat - you are totally right about the kids are going to have everything baby and they're going to we're going to do the best we can for them and that's great and it's good to know that we have Pamela there with us because she Maya godmother and she's always been there for her and she will be forever she's like the only real family I have before I'm at you guys because if it wasn't for her I don't know where Maya and I would have ended up

Zayn - well it good because I'm grateful to her because if it was not for her helping you out and getting away from your ex boyfriend I would not have you today I love you

Kat - you're the best thing that ever happened to me love you too

Zayn -(kiss Kat again)

Kat - ( kiss Zayn back)

Why we were talking all of a sudden we get a phone call from Pamela

The phone call

Pamela - hay it me your not going to like this but I found a note from your ex Boyfriend  and it say he wants you back and there was also a note from Perrie saying that she going to kidnap Michelle and there's nothing we can do about it

Kat - that's not a good thing I mean we need to make sure the both Maya and Michelle are safe if my ex and Zayn's  ex up to something we need to know the kids

Pamela - I totally agree with you on that we have to make sure they're safe just as much we have to make sure that you're safe and everything because they're definitely up to something and I'm going to be talking to Scotland Yard about this and showing them the two letters because they have no rights they lost all their rights to the kids where did you have the rights for Maya and Zayn has the rights for Michelle security up around here and everything will get back to you on it

Kat - okay you get back to us on that we're almost home anyway we'll see you when we get there

Pamela - yeah I'll see you when you guys get here just to make sure everything is checked with the security and everything around here cuz I'm definitely not letting anybody here there's not supposed to be here I'm doing my job

Kat- you are definitely not taking this overboard now I know for sure you were going to the right measures okay thanks for letting us know see you when I get home I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you having my back Sis even though we're not Sisters by Blood but you know what I mean

Pamela - you know that I'm always going to be here when you need me

End of phone call

Kat - baby your Pamela found notes
At the house form both my ex and Perrie telling different things your ex
Was saying that she was going to kidnap Michelle my ex wants to try to get me back somehow and Maya

Zayn - I'm telling you right now there's no way your ex or my ex again you know those kids are us I got a feeling that Pamela on is going to be on it with Scotland Yard by the way your talking am I right

As soon as we got home the first thing I knew was the fact that Scotland Yard was there and then and Pamela and Paul when you're working together to figure out what they can do to keep everyone safe this is definitely something I was not expecting my ex to try to come back into my life I hope everything will work out for the right reasons

As soon as we got home the first thing I knew was the fact that Scotland Yard was there and then and Pamela and Paul when you're working together to figure out what they can do to keep everyone safe this is definitely something I was not expecting...

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