chapter 15

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Zayn POV

Right now I'm getting ready to do my first big tour now that I have my solo album out and stuff like that it's been a couple of months since the ex's came around but I've got a feeling that they're up to something for sure so right now I'm sitting back stage in my dressing room with my baby and the kids and I'm kind of nervous

Kat - hi baby are you okay you seem like you're a little nervous

Zayn - I'm about to get out there and do my first actual show as a singer and I mean I've done my first thing as an actor but he will just not too bad and then I've done a lot of stuff as a model but I got to get used to having this part of it because all of a sudden I'm gone from just being a model to be in a triple threat

Kat - hey baby just relax okay and just know that we all got your back and everything we hear out there on the stage just now I'm off to the side and said the girl was rooting for you and the security is doubled so everything should be ok

Zayn - yeah you're absolutely right so I promise to know that you're there and when be there for me so he has as long as I can concentrate on the fact that I have you in my life right now I'll be great thanks baby I don't know I guess is time for me to hit this let's just hope I don't forget my songs

Kat - I know you you're going to be doing the best in your life baby and you're going to do the best in everything you do your Triple Threat for a reason keep that in mind they were always going to be in your corner like I said no go get them tiger

Zayn -(kiss Kat) - I love you baby

Kat -(kiss Zayn back) -I love you too baby and I'm looking forward to seeing you out there on the stage tonight

Zayn - I'm definitely going to be able to do a good job knowing that you're there baby thank you

Kat - your welcome baby

Michelle- daddy you are going to do a geart job I love you

Zayn - daddy love you too baby girl

It's really good to know that I have my daughter here telling me how much she cares and loves me because that makes me know I. Am doing a good job as her dad and I love her so much so I know that I'm going to be doing my best and I can't wait because I have my career as a triple threat which is a singer actor and model I have the love of my life now because I found someone is going through everything I've been going through and we can do this together she wants me for me not the fact of what I'm doing life is looking up time hit the stage



I'm so proud of the fact that I have a loving boyfriend who is about to start his first big tour and I don't even have and I know that he is going to do the best you can at this I don't care about the fact that he's a celebrity I love him for who he is and I'm going to support him no matter what he does I just hope when he hits the stage he won't let his nerves and anxiety take over cuz he does sometimes have a problem with anxiety told me that I should just remember what that I'm in your corner and he said he will cuz I believe in him

Michelle- Kat daddy on stage doing good job

Kat- yes you sweetie still never that good job

Michelle- I can't wait till you and him get married adopt. Me I hope he ask you sometime soon because you're more than a mother to me than my real mother she rather party and stuff then love me

Maya - yeah my mommy is the best mommy and I know how you feel too because my daddy is the same way as your mommy so your daddy is more of a daddy to me I think of you as a big sister Michelle

Michelle- I think of you as a little sister to me too I hope he will actually come sisters

I couldn't help but smile how the girls are getting along with each other and I can't help but feel the pride and watching my boyfriend and I'm stage and if you ever did ask me to marry him I will definitely be a yes because I'm not about to go back to my past when I have a chance for something better like I said I don't care about the fact he's a triple threat he can go broke and I still love him because it's what's inside not here no matter what you make sure the person is there's more to life than money and all I ever wanted was to have an actual family of my own now I could have that because I feel like I already have

as I was watching my boyfriend on stage he just said that he was going to get ready to sing the song that you wrote for me I did not know that he he wrote the song golden for me

Zayn - I'm going to see your brand new song that I wrote and I wrote this for my new girlfriend her name is Kat and the song is call Golden and I pray and hope that my baby loves me

Kat - I blew him a kiss from the side so he know that I really do love the fact that he did that for me because it feels good to know that he was sweet to do that for me I just pray and hope that our exit I'm trying that again like they did a few months ago

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