chapter 5

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Zayn POV

The one thing that can get over them being a model but I can't get away with going out the door anymore without being seen when I go to school now one of my bodyguards always has to be with me and stuff right now and in my SUV with everyone going to Starbucks I just want a cup of coffee for you babe and I'm going to have a bunch of people around with me but that's it I guess because my scene in the model industry is rising

Kat - what you thinking about there it seems like you're kind of lost in thought

Zayn - just thinking it was time for me to go out sometime without being noticed you know it was like to be able to go out to a coffee and that would have to be maybe a whole bunch of people with me there's nothing wrong with bring a couple friends like you and the kids but you know what I'm talking about a big bunch of security and everything behind me sometimes it gets irritating

Pamela - when we get what you need you just want to be able to move that we don't have to worry about everything but you gotta understand you're coming up in the modeling industry people are going to notice you got crazy fans and everything so it's your security team's job to keep an eye on that for you and now that I'm the head of that I'm damn sure going to make sure it's going to be done

Michelle- that not very nice to watch some of the words you use around kids you know Daddy always tells people to watch what they say you're real nice but then again he said that one's not too bad but he what he really wants to be careful about is the f word and stuff like that he said that's not right for my little ears

Pamela - yeah words like that is not right for you a little ears kiddo

Kat - yeah it is not right for my daughter's ears and get there

Michelle - do you have any kids Pamela

Pamela - I have a teenager who was in college I was too young when I had him but I wouldn't trade them for the world is my whole life do me and your father and everybody here or you can promise you won't have kids until you're at least in your twenties

Michelle- I'm only 3 and I don't think about that yet but I do know one thing when the time will be for me will probably want to married because I think that's the best time to have them you should you wait it right

Zayn - you been talking to your grandmother Tricia again haven't you

Michelle - yes cuz she always tells me that that would probably be the best time to have them leave she knows then that I'm situated she says cuz she said you see how hard it is for you and your daddy sometimes and I said yeah I don't want my kids to go through that when I'm old enough but I said right now, I'm telling you to think about this that's why I told her

Zayn - all the way my mother thinks and everything but she could at least wait till she's old enough for the talk for the birds and the bees

Kat- yeah I understand where you're coming from there cuz sometimes people like to think they have to learn so young not that young

Pamela - I know I mean my son and I had that talk when he was like 12 that was a good age to have the talk I mean come on please I was responsible talking to him then I didn't want to talk to him about it to him and they don't have it in school these days anyways

Zayn - yeah I'm over here at Starbucks now let's get ready and go in and see what we will have

Michelle- Daddy I get my hot chocolate like I always do

Zayn - yes you can baby

Maya- mama do I get my chocolate milk

Kat- yes you do baby

Michelle - me bigger and older than her

Zayn - yes you are baby you are three years old and Maya is only a year-and-a-half

Michelle- me be like big sister she never had make sure she okay

Kat- I think she would like that Michelle because to tell you the truth Pamela her like that she's the big sister I never had

Zayn - when you see how good friends they are sweetie

Because of her coffee and everything and then we went to sit down and as we were sitting down at the table we were drinking in a bunch of my fans came around and the next thing I knew Starbucks was totally surrounded it was a good thing that I had Pamela here with me because she is the head of my security team now and the good thing that a couple of the other guards with us as well

Why we were sitting down and have your coffee and everything we didn't pay much heed to them because we were in the back but we knew we'd have to face them when they got out there that I know that Simon Cowell was here as well and he overheard me talking to the girls and showing them some lyrics that I wrote and I started seeing part of the song that I wrote next thing I know he was coming my way and asked me if I wanted a record deal

Simon Cowell - you know you seem really cool and everything like that and I like your style how would you like a record deal

Zayn - did you know that I'm a model right

Simon - yes for this going to make up your up your level of status in Hollywood industry and overheard you talking about how you like to do movies and stuff too my company deals with that as well so what I'm saying is you might end up coming the triple threat I even have a part of my company that deals with modeling to your starting off with a small modeling needs to write that agency works with me at my agency when the time comes for them to get really big so I was talking to them earlier and they told me you were here and they were told me that your music technique and everything in that they were thinking that maybe you could have what it takes to be a triple threat and I could be the one to help you get there what do you say

Zayn - I see you got yourself a deal but can I keep my security team that I picked I feel safe and comfortable with them Pamela here is so I just hired as my head of security

Simon - yeah you can keep them and everything on that but I think one of my other people that works for me should also work with her to help her out of it because the situation could get a bit out of control his name is Paul so the two of them go work good together she'll still be the head head but he'll just be her assistant type thing he'll also though be your head of security on tour for the shows but she will be your head of security over everything so basically he's in charge of your touring schedule and stuff like that when it comes to security but she's in charge of him over everything okay

Zayn - okay and that sounds like a really good idea

Pamela - wow this is totally cool I mean it's a good thing I have on my courses and everything and all the stuff I did before so now I can actually feel good about leaving that damn job I had as a bouncer in a bar LOL but I can actually put my course is work and everything and do my job that I meant to do

Simon - you mean you had all those courses and you couldn't do nothing with them so you were working at a bar as a bouncer and then you ended up meeting Zayn here and then you can his head of security I think that's the best thing for you right now and she got a better job then when I heard that being a bouncer at that bar that you were at but they told me about it was shady place to be

Then he left I couldn't believe it as of right now I'm not just a model I'm finishing up my school courses in a couple weeks and the next thing I know I'm going to be a triple threat I just hope everything will go great and I can be with a girl for the right reasons but little do they know that the more time I spend with Kat more I have a feeling that me and her are going to be more than friends

Zayn Triple ThreatWhere stories live. Discover now