chapter 17

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Zayn POV

It's been almost 3 months I started a my baby Kat my everything and am planning on going to get beautiful engagement ring the more I want to marry her right now she's at school so Pamela is staying here with the girls while I go out with Luis to find the proper engagement would even told me Kat ring size she told me to make sure that I take a bodyguard with me to be on the safe side cuz she still don't trust the exes

Louis - hay man you nervous about popping the big question to Kat

Zayn - no I'm not to tell you the truth I know she's the one for me we both been through so much and everything you want to make sure she knows how much I love her and give her a special night and everything I'm grateful that you and Pam were taking the girls over to your place tonight I Pamela and her son are still living with me and Kat but it's nice to see that she goes on to your place once in awhile it's good to see that you're taking the girls tonight the girls are not the only thing that I ask Maya permission to marry her mom and I know that she's only almost 2 but she said go for it

Louis - I'm just so you know Niall and Liam are meeting us there. Help out too at the ring store because to tell you the truth you can use all the support you need right now man

Zayn - thanks and I really think that's a good idea cuz I need something funny that I can actually trust you know when I'm out doing what I gotta do

Liam -( show up with Niall) - hey man I already do this but I think you finally found the right girl when everything that she's been through the same thing as you and everything man been together 3 months and in those three months I have seen you more happy than I have in years when you were with your ex

Niall - wait until every time you're with her that she is definitely in the one for you and we know that you'll keep her safe and everything and her daughter and her daughter and wants you to Daddy and everything already I want you to a adopter her so yeah I think you're doing the right right step

Zayn - thanks man I mean I can't believe I'm getting ready to go back and I might or so and I mean I've got 3 or 4 weeks off and I'm doing great this and I'm doing a good job with my modeling and I'm getting some of the offers coming in which is great like I said my career and everything is ready to go off in the good way now I just need to settle the deal when it comes to my love life

Louis - trust me man you got nothing to worry about because every time I talk to my baby Pamela keeps telling me kat. wants you to ask her to marry her someday and your family absolutely loves Kat how many should wait closer to your mother and your sisters than she ever was to her father and mother and her siblings most of those are older than her but they have always been protective of her and she told them when they had a chance to get out of there and she will when she has a chance because of the way their father your mother is too frightened to know what to do

Zayn - I know that's why she said she only has Pamela and her life is family and that's why she's the sister she never had because I mean she was always more closer to her than her siblings but her siblings are not girls anyway are boys so she has Brothers sister so I understand where she's coming from

Niall - just come on let's go find that ring and everything that you want to do because you want to make sure it's a special time for her and everything tonight and we're hoping you take care of setting everything up man she is going to love everything you're going to do tonight I mean come on you are the most precious person in her life right now besides her daughter

Louis - (get a call from Pamela)- hay baby

Pamela - just calling to see how things are going and everything oh and another thing you should know you might want to Zayn that it's a good thing can I double up on the securing everything around here like I told you it's been 3 months since they didn't move but you're not going to believe who I saw sitting across the road in the car checking the house out with binoculars it was Ashton scoping out the place and everything and he can tell but he's got no way of getting in so they're still plan on something just keep in mind you never know what he'll do next and I don't know what is something one of my bodyguards that I sent with you guys just phoned and told me that he checked the parking lot and there was a car and he swore he spotted Perrie Edwards open you guys out there following you so I suggest you get Paul and a few other bodyguards come out and help with the ones that's with you guys because I got a feeling that she's definitely up to something

Louis - thanks for the warning everything baby I'm going to let the bodyguards around here now and get Paul to come down and help out to you and I'm going to tell Zayn about what you just told me

Pamela - okay guys have fun finishing doing everything that you're doing everything safe here at the house because there's no way they're going to get near us or because they shun and everything love you

Louis - love you more baby

Pamela - oh I just thought I should also let you know that you almost have custody of your son Freddy because they found out some stuff about bringing on that will make it all worthwhile for you to get them because they are she's starting to head Ashton I'm here you're definitely going to have your son with you because everything you're doing is making it worse and more and more in the more proof I I get them or Scotland Yard is going to get involved and keep everyone safe

Louis - thanks baby I'm looking forward to seeing you and the girls over at my place tonight because to tell you the truth I want to have some time with just you it's good to know that David is going to be hanging out with some of his friends over at one of his friends house crashing there making sure everything was okay there it's going to be a special night for Kat and Zayn because is going on for the 3 month dating anniversary

With Louis and Pamela got off of the telephone and then Louis told me everything the landlord told him about Perrie and Ashton looking around she said I didn't need to worry and everything though because calling you I was around the house and everything and she was making sure the girls were okay and when she took the girls tonight over to Louis's place she was going to have double security and gotten yard around there too she is not about to take their safety for granted at all that's why I hired her as head of my security team

Louis - so what exactly do you have planned to do tonight when you go to have everything set up for you and your soon-to-be fiance I hope

Liam - yeah man we all know that you definitely want to make sure she's going to love it and everything so what do you have planned

Niall - knowing you the way that you do when you're with a girl we always know how romantic you like to be to order so what he had planned for her man cuz no one here we're definitely going to make sure it's a special moment for the night and my right

Zayn - you guys have no idea what I'm planning on doing tonight I'm going to have a nice dinner come to the house and everything would have rose petals and everything put on my own hot tub I'm going to have wine and everything going in her favorite music because I think she deserves to be pampered she never even had a chance to have that money every time she was with her ex if he wanted that bang bang or anything like that he would force her and if me and her are going to be doing stuff if that's going to be when she feels comfortable in the time is right and I got a feeling tonight is the night and I'm going to make her feel like a queen

Niall - damn I'm so jealous I have to try to get myself a girl because I haven't had a girlfriend in a long time and this is pissing me off sometimes when you're not seeing anybody had life can suck

Liam - yeah I know what you mean man I haven't been seeing anybody for a while until about 2 months ago I started seeing this girl named Cheryl she's everything to me and I gotta say she's a lot better Sophie ever was

I'm glad that the boys and everything here to help me plan everything that I know one thing for sure I'm going to make sure tonight is a special night for my baby I just pray and hope that whatever goes on tonight that Kat will tell me yes

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