chapter 28

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Perrie POV

Right right now me and Ashton are walking into Scotland Yard because he convinced me that maybe it's time we get out of this lifestyle and after everything I pulled the other night when I knew I was so out of it and everything on the heroin I think he's right we called ahead and said that we wanted to turn ourselves in and asked if we could plan what happened that night so we are waiting at entrance that we were told to come to you so I'm going to ring the bell rings the bell

Scotland Yard- yes how may I help you

Perrie - me and my boyfriend and I wanted for something to turn ourselves in

Scotland Yard- okay who are you and will have someone at the door to get you guys and then you can come in and play on your side of the story of everything that's been going on and I think you're doing awesome art by turning yourself in because when people turned herself soon we listen to their side of the story more and get the whole thing and then we figure out if it needs to be a maximum sentence or something less it will actually help your case by turning yourself in

Perrie - well my name is Perrie Edwards and my boyfriend's name is Austin I want to turn ourselves in because I think if we almost things to her a few nights ago and I'll explain why

Scotland Yard - you guys are doing the right thing by telling yourselves and then we'll hear your side of the story and everything okay so come on I will send a female officer and the male

I know one thing I feel a lot better about turning myself in and I think I'm in the right thing that he talked some sense into me because for one thing I cannot let the drugs and partying control me

Ashton- we're doing the right thing right thing by doing this because we're going to get out of control if we keep going the way we are

Perrie - yeah I know we're doing the right thing

Just as I said that a couple officers came down and got us and brought us inside looked at us and said we were doing the right thing by turning ourselves in because this was not right what we're doing and we told them that everything we were doing cuz cuz we were high on drugs and stuff I'm not thinking straight and we think it's time to get her act together first thing how about being addicted to drugs the main problem is we're doing the right thing



We're all getting ready to go into the arena because tonight my baby's getting ready to do another concert and I'm looking forward to seeing you on stage he seems to feel a lot more better now thanks but I keep calm and cool and collected for has anxiety

Kat- baby I know you're pretty much shaken up right now because you're getting ready to go on stage and everything calm down you'll do great you did great the last two shows your fans love you specially when you are singing pillow talk

Zayn - yes that's one of their favorite songs okay I'm going to take a deep breath and everything and get ready to hit the stage good thing I have you and the kids here and I love you

Kat - I love you more

Zayn - you know something just hit me it's strange that we haven't seen Ashton or Perrie around today or the last couple of days

Pamela - cuz you're not going to believe this but I just got a call from Scotland Yard saying that. Ashton and Perrie both turn their self in because they thought it was the best thing to do because they kept saying if they stayed up and kept going on the drugs and everything but they're doing good probably go crazy and do something they regret so yeah knowing that they wanted the kids for the money was one thing they said but when Ashton realize they were taking guns and everything you know that they were definitely going too far so yeah he finally admitted he had a sickness and convinced her to

Kat - how to convert into her to turn herself in and everything and I'm proud that he did the same thing because like I said no matter what and I hate the fact of that he did to me and that when he changed but I still have that little part for him when he was a sweet guy in my heart but I guess it's the drugs the gambling and everything like that they did all this to him but I moved on and happy now and if he ever gets his act together he could probably start seeing Maya that's only if she wants to see him and to tell you the truth I think right now I'm in a better place

Maya - yeah we're definitely in a better place now but I'm thankful that my real dad is going to get help now because even though he was not always the father that he should be I still didn't like seeing him like that I kind of thought something was strange

Zayn - are you sure that your only two kids and you just turn tow

Maya - being around him make you see things quickly

Sometimes I think it is a brainiac for her and I should get her I like you and everything checked out because something tells me in a little too smart for her age and the same thing for Michelle I was talking to Zayn about that were thinking about getting the kids tested for their IQ to see if they're smarter than

I know one thing for sure right now I'm going to be able to sleep a lot easier tonight knowing that my ex is on the street and you did the right thing so everybody can relax tonight because of this I know one thing's for sure I'm looking forward to pushing forward and moving ahead and starting my New Life without having to deal with all the drama I was dealing with

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