chapter 22

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The girls are finally home after being gone all day with Pamela and Louis and I'm happy about the fact that I am now engaged I can't get over the fact that I am soon going to be getting married to the man of my dreams

Maya - you didn't know that he has to see if he can marry you did you Mommy we told him it was okay cuz we think you and Zayn belong together

Kat - well thank you baby girl because to tell you the truth that's why mommy ever wanted a life with someone that's going to love her and you and look after us and keep us safe and I know he will

Michelle- just keep in mind that my Daddy loves

Kat - I know you do sweetie and me and him were talking about something talking about me probably adopted you what do you think of that

Michelle- yes I want that to happen because I want to have an actual sister that I can love and I love   Maya like  little sister

Maya - I love you like your big sister too and that's going to be fun and your daddy wants to adopt me too so that's going to be great

Michelle- yes it is going to be great for speaking your daddy where is he

Kat - oh he had to go to the studio for a while but he'll be back soon laying down some tracks for his new album and after that he has couple photo shoots but then he'll be back

Maya - where is aunt Pamela too

Kat - she and Louis are with Zayn because they  work for Zayn Louis is a manager in your and Pamela as his head of security so they have to be with him when he's working that's their job to make sure nothing happens to him and stuff

Maya - I know one thing and Pamela will keep him safe she do good at her job

Just then Zayn came home Pamela and Louis was with him and the 3 of them look like they where really tired

Maya - you three little tired you should go lie down

Zayn - yes we are tired I had a long day I'm working in the music studio and doing photo shoots and doing an acting gig for this is one of the busiest days I had not to mention I had interviews on top of it

Kat - baby the girls are right I think you need to go and get some sleep

Zayn - you think I'm tired she's more tired than me she was running around making sure nothing will happen at the venues because rumor had it that Ashton  perrie around

Pamela - you guys only worry about me too much I know when I'm doing this my job to make sure you guys are safe so yeah and I wasn't the only one around Paul was running around with me helping out so we can figure out what was going on and so was Preston you're making sure nothing was going to happen better than we had Basil with us to because there was definitely something going on

Zayn - you still at work too much man you're ready to pass out when did you go get some sleep

Pamela -  don't feel like it is because I'm having nightmares from that past

Kat - don't tell me you're having a nightmare is better than your ex with you two again

Pamela - yeah the reason why I was able to sleep pretty good last night was cuz I was on  Louis arms all night

Louis - I'm on baby I'll stay with you tonight

Pamela - okay that you just got custody of your son so what are you going to do about him tonight because when you don't want to leave him at your place if you're going to be staying here with me you better bring them here or do you have people watching him

Louis - my mother wants to take him for the weekend she says I've been working too hard and deserves to have a break and you think I really need it and besides she says it's today's my  or the three-day dating anniversary she thinks that me and you should have some time alone so why don't you go have a nap and everything cuz later on I'm taking you out for something special

Pamela - okay baby I'll go take my nap and everything you come and join me in a few minutes cuz you said you had to talk to  Zayn about something

Louis - all the in a minute

With that Pamela went to get a nap why we talk to Louis and helped him to set it up so he can proposed to Pamela I just like  Zayn did that  for me yesterday

Louis - so do you guys everything taken care of for me for when I'm ready to pop the question to her tonight

Kat - yeah we got the hotel and everything before you guys a very special night together and your dinner reservations and everything is taken care of and I know that she'll definitely say yes to you for sure and don't worry about Freddie he's going to have your mother and everything tonight just do what you gotta do and I know your mom's happy that you're getting ready to ask a girl that she finally likes for you to marry you but she keeps bringing him when she likes her

Louis - what else does she want me for the right reason and she's not using me like all the other girls did anyway I'm going to go and get ready to pull this off later when it's time to go out so I'm going to go lay down with her for a bit right now so she don't get suspicious

With that Louis went to lay down with Pamela she not going to see it coming when he ask her to marry him and she better say yes and if I know her she will because she on top of the world

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