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       As I awaken I look at the clock. 7:10
I have to get dressed! I have to go to school!
I put on my uniform and I start combing my hair. When I get the look I head to my skateboard. Grabbing my skateboard I ride to school. As I'm riding to school a limo stops by me and the door swings open. Tamaki,Hikarou, Karou, Kyoya, Mori, and honey are revealed.
"HARUHI YOU LIVE IN THIS AREA? GET IN THE LIMO HARUHI! MY PRECIOUS DAUGHTER!!!!" Tamaki yells at me. I get annoyed. So in my best haruhi voice I tell him "Tamaki-Senpai I have a dad already. I don't need a ride though. Thank you senpai." I'm laughing in my mind and I continue skateboarding.
      When I reach this mistake of a school I'm instantly surrounded by girls. Now your probably wondering...
   Why the hell would I go back here when I'm running away?
Well you see, my parents don't care THAT much about me. And they gotta remember that they stole me so I gotta grieve over parents I never had.

        As I walk to Class 1-A I notice so many girls fawning. I see Haruhi and I got a evil gleam in my eye.
    I walk up to Haruhi and lift her chin up.
   "Why am I falling for my twin... It's a bad thing but I.. Just can't help it." I say and close my eyes and lean in. Now the girls are blushing and Hikarou and karou had a major nose bleed.

Haruhi's Brother...? (Completed) (EDIT STAGE)Where stories live. Discover now