The winner and the losers 1/2

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Remember you can always ask for a sequel but i want atleast 8 or 10 request because i wanna know if people enjoy my writing. I'm doubting my own skills because i rush sometimes so im gonna try and make this a great chapter. My goal is atleast 750 words but you never know. *shrugs*


Tamaki's P.O.V.

         Ive pretended to like Haruhi but truth is, Alex is a better girl, for me at least. She makes me feel weird... I cant explain it. I may have acted clueless after i saw the result of the kiss but it broke my heart. I knew what happened and it just hurts. But in all games there are winners and losers. I guess its time for me to finally be a loser. Wheres my emo corner when i need it!

      I should probably tell Hikaru and Karou about their loss too. I want them to know just like how i know, but i sure hope they dont break off their connections.

  I grab my phone and text them.

Group Chat


Karou, Hikaru, We lost to Kyoya-chan. WAHHH I HAD TO SEE THE AFTER BITS OF THE KISS TOO!


I put my phone away and look off into the distance. To think, all those memories that happened... The debts. The harsh reality, confusion, love, crushes. Pain.

Its sad when i think i lost to Mommy. I lost a precious daughter, well that would be disgusting actually. I lost a precious love interest.

Karou's P.O.V.

Huh a message from boss.

From EmoBoss

   Karou, Hikaru, We lost to Kyoya-chan. WAHHH I HAD TO SEE THE AFTER BITS OF THE KISS TOO!

Whats this feeling? My heart hurts. Why? I want it to stop. "HIKARU IT HURTS!"

Hikaru rushes in and looks worried. I point to my phone and he picks it up, then drops it a minute after looking at me with hurt eyes.

"Karou its okay... We still got Haruhi and depending on Boss' text it means he has no interest in her... Right? Please tell me i'm right, i dont wanna make another mistake about a girl, especially a crush... I dont wanna let another one in!" Hikaru screeches but his emotions are everywhere.

             My head is pounding but i still smile weakly. It hurts so much that its annoying me right now. I just dont wanna deal with it, its so annoying.... I cant believe we lost. To Kyoya at that, i wouldve been okay had it been boss we lost to.

*Ring Ring. Ring Ring*


"Karou, I got my memories back... I'm sorry about yelling at you and Hikaru at the beach."

"Its fine Alex-chan!"

"You sure..? You sound kinda depressed."

"Well you said you got you're memories back right? Lets celebrate!"

".... Yea okay. I will be th- *giggle* Yo-chan stop it! Yea ill be there hika-"
I'm not Hikaru... Why? She suddenly gets a guy and forgets about her friends. That's low.

Alex's P.O.V.
That's strange, he hung up with no goodbye. What is Hikaru thinking?
I look back at my phone and realize the mistake.
I called Karou
I I cradle my head in my hands, I lashed out on both of them for calling me Haruhi but what i did, its just worse. THey have been shut out so much and finally when they let me in I destroy their trust.

Ah im the worst

why did i have to mess things up with Hika and Karou... I suddenly feel warmth on my back, quickly turning my head i see Kyoya wrapping a blankey around me. I smile fondly and snuggle into him. He wraps his arms arounds me and kisses my forehead. This is the first time hes ever been so affectionate. The warmth that surrounded me soon starts to feel colder. My body is getting colder. The only warmth is a burning feeling in my chest area... I try to keep my eyes open but they want to rest.

They slowly close and i finally feel all heat lose my body. Oh man is this how i go out? Leaving the world in my lovers arms? Ah man. just when i found happiness...


"Alex-chan, cmon we is gonna be late for cla-" a certain (H/L) (H/C) haired girl says, only to have Alex cut her off.

"Yea yea i heard (Y/N). Jeez hanging out with you is such a hassle!"

" you love it though!" Alex laughs and rolls her eyes playfully while (Y/N) puffs out her chest.

"Plus we are gonna marry a nice man, so we gotta be challenge that they can put up with"

"Only you put up with me though, all the other kids left cuz they just dont like me." The young girl gasp dramatically.

"Not true, all the other boys like you but are to scared to ask you out, so all the girls get jealous. As long as you dont take away my precious crush i wont-" Alex snorts

" You have a crush?" "Why yes I do, infact he likes me back! Well not really... We just talked once or twice but ootori is so cute. Buy ya neva know, he won't be on my radar for awhile. Plus, I'm to good for em!" The girl shouts while hitting her chest.
~end of flashback~
The doors burst open and screaming erupts. But I can't hear them, my body is shaking because of someone "ay... Ke... ALEX!" A girl with (h/l) (h/c) haired runs in. Throwing her phone. She runs up to me only to be stopped by men. That's when I finally close my eyes.

Haruhi's Brother...? (Completed) (EDIT STAGE)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن