Chapter Fourteen: I Travel The World On a Bronze Dragon

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***Okay guys, so I really have no clue what an astrolabe actually is. I tried to look it up, but according to most of the websites I saw it was a device to measure the altitude of the sun. I really don't have a clue how this could help Leo find Ogygia, so I'm just going to pretend it is a compass. I'll still say astrolabe but he'll just use it like a compass. I know that's not correct so I'm sorry... I really don't know how else to do it, though.

Anyways, I've got an exciting chapter for you guys :)****

Chapter Fourteen: I Travel The World On a Bronze Dragon


Leo wasn't exactly sure where Ogygia was. He just had to hope that the astrolabe would lead him I the right direction. Still, he knew it wasn't close.

Thankfully, when Leo had rebuilt Festus, he had programmed him to use his fire breathing abilities to propel himself forward at unbelievable speeds.

The night before, Leo had packed $500 of mortal money (for extra food, hotels and who knew what else), some food (granola bars and Doritos), a few changes of clothes and five golden drachmas (in case he needed to make an Iris message). He dumped his things into a secret compartment under a plate on Festus's bronze "skin" and draped his tool belt around his waist, like always.

After grabbing a quick breakfast, Leo mounted Festus and was off flying over Camp Demigod by five thirty. He felt bad about leaving before he said goodbye to his friends, but he was way to anxious to sit around and wait for another hour or so.

Leo held out his palm and placed the astrolabe flat on it. The needle spun around and Leo turned Festus in the direction it was pointing.

Before he knew it, he was soaring over the Atlantic Ocean. The morning air blew his hair behind him and he slowly took both of his hands away from Festus's cold metal. He stretched them out wide and yelled out loud. He hadn't felt this free for a long time.

After a while, he dug a few pieces of scrap metal out of his toolbox and began tinkering with it. Yes, he had to build something even as he was sitting on the back of a robotic dragon a thousand feet over the Atlantic Ocean. But in his defense, the ocean was very large and long and really didn't change a whole lot as he went.

He wondered what would happen when he found Calypso. Because he knew that he would find her.

But how would she feel? She'd had major crushes on Odysseus and Percy before him, and she had moved on from both of them; why would it be any different with him?

"Because I haven't got anybody else. Because I loved her back. Because I'm coming back," he told himself, but he couldn't get rid of the uncertainty, the fear in the back of his head that he might be making this journey for no reason.

Around noon, he grabbed a granola bar and a bag of Doritos to eat for lunch. Leo was very thankful for the fact that he had a mechanical dragon to make the journey with; he wasn't sure if a normal dragon would have lasted over the whole Atlantic Ocean, and it definitely wouldn't make it from New York to Europe in one day.

Leo planned to stop for the night in Spain. He hadn't spoken Spanish for a while, but he had to admit that he was looking forward to it. There was no one else back at Camp that could speak it fluently, as far as he knew.

He had Festus descend to the ground and land softly. He wasn't sure exactly where he was, but if his calculations were correct knew he should be somewhere in Spain. After leaving his dragon in the harbor with strict instructions to 'stay' and security on (he'd blow fire in the face of any offender), Leo began to scout around the city. His predictions were right; he was in Spain, seemingly a city called La Coruña. He found a hotel and went in.

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