How to Change Something .

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‘ So, why did you do it ? ‘ I step next to Tucker, who was on the floor rummaging through his locker.  The Balloons and All the other Pink crap , was still on the Locker, even though it was Friday.

     Tucker just looks up at me and then goes back to his locker. I sigh and lean against the locker.
  When I went home Wensday I told My Aunt about what happened At school and She Looked Shocked and Surprised. She told me to be carful more then once, and Said she was going to go light some kind of stick for good luck.

    Now, here I was, Asking Tucker why he asked me out to the Festival. I knew he didn’t want to go with me and I didn’t really want to go with him.

   Everyone is still talking about the whole Tucker thing and Gianna continues to shoot daggers my way and Make Snide comments whenever she got the chance.

     I knock my knuckles against the side of Tuckers locker, trying to get his attention. I haven’t seen or talked to him, since the Incident at lunch. He skipped every class we had together and Sky confirmed that he was at school , But didn’t show up to my classes on purpose.

  If he was avoiding me, he should have just said so.
 Tucker continues to avoid me and I get sick of it. I think of something to get him to say something and I think about what Sky said about him hating affection.
   I look down the Hallway and notice people almost everywhere.

  ‘ Oh , tucker ! ‘I yell as loud as I can and everyone turns to look.  ‘ That song you wrote me last night was so sweet. How did it go ? ‘ I see Tuckers Shoulders tense and I make something up at the top of my head.

I start to sing off key. ‘ Brooke, My lovely Brooke, the way you look when I kiss your sweet- ‘my voice gets cut off by Tucker grabbing my wrist and Dragging me down to the floor by him.
 ‘What are you doing , ‘ he says , looking at me with hard eyes. Were only inches apart and Im Kinda pissed.

           ‘ Trying to get your attention. Since you seem to be avoiding me. ‘ I take my book bag off and Lay it by my feet. Im still crouched on the floor and I throw my hair up, to keep it from out of my face.
  Tucker sighs . ‘ Im not really trying to avoid you .. ‘ his voice trails off and I laugh.

   ‘ Please. If what your doing isn’t avoiding someone , I have no idea what is.’
  My voice doesn’t sound like mine and Tucker glances my way. ‘ Im really not trying to avoid you . ‘
  ’ Okay .. ‘ And Tucker smiles. ‘ I just was busy . And the fact I didn’t answer you Just then . ‘ he nods above my head. ‘ Was because I wanted you to sweat it out. ‘

   I’m beyond confused and Tucker flicks my ear.

‘"Why you so worried New Girl ? Worried i’lll back out of the Date?"
  I roll my eyes before standing up and walking away. He follows me after shutting his locker .

‘"Not even. Just wondering why you bother asking in the first place." His mouth tips up into a slow smile. And when I look at his eyes, I notice that they really are green. A very, very intoxicating green.

  "Because I wasn’t kidding your first day here. Your in for a hell of a ride." 

 He flicks the same ear and Starts to walk away from me. He turns around at the last minute and yells. ‘ Oh. And I’ll be picking you up at 7 . Try to look hot ! ‘ He smiles and turns around.
   I just shake my head and watch him disappear.

                                                  * * *

I skim my hands over the white material. The white summer dress fits perfectly over my body. I turn my body every way I can , looking down at it in wonder.

      My hair is half up , half down and I opted for the more natural look tonight. I didn’t want to tell myself I was dressing up for Tucker, so I kept saying in my head I was dong this for Sky and her date.
  I smile just thinking about it. Sky had a date. Apparently on the same day Tucker asked me to the festival , some kid name Nick asked Sky , and she was beyond happy .
 ‘What should I wear ! ‘She asked me, In Biology. We were all sitting in groups, getting ready to start some kind of lab.
  ‘ I have no clue ? ‘I said to her truthfully. I never really went on dates and I never had a true friend to discuss and talk about fashion with. Sky sighed and Started to sketch out this who plan on what she was going to wear.

  The minute Tucker asked me to go be his date , for what ever reason, I knew I wanted to Be in that white dress.
 Now looking at it , I wonder is I should waste it on someone like Tucker. I had no idea what was going on Between me and him , and I kinda liked it that way.

 There’s a soft knock on my door. ‘ Come in , ‘ I say, as I finger my hair again, shocked I got it to go straight.
  My Aunt walks in and she’s Surprisingly in Pajama pants and a light pink tank top. She smiles at me and Looks over the dress.
  ‘ you look absolutely stunning. ‘
 I try not to look down and wave my hands through the material again. I was sure by  the end of the night,  I was going to make all kinds of winkles in it, but at this moment I wanted it to be perfect.

   ‘ your father called earlier, ‘ My Aunt comments, sitting on my bed. I shut my eyes. My father has been trying to get a hold of me for awhile and I simply have not answered him back. I knew the moment for me and him to talk was going to come soon . I didn’t have to like it, but it had to happen.
 I open my eyes and look at my hands.
  ‘You should try and give him a call, ‘ My Aunt says, standing up. She smiles and I Relax. I was used to her smiling, and It became common to me.
  ‘ I have something for you. ‘ She reaches in her pajama pocket and pulls out a gold heart shaped locket.

       She hands it to me and I take it smoothly in my hands.  ‘It’s Beautiful, ‘I say , as I run my finger over its surface. My Aunt smiles a sad smile.
 ‘ it was your mothers. ‘My fingers stop moving and I look up at her.
  ‘Here, put it on. ‘ I turn around and lift my hair. I watch as the necklace falls on my Dress and I Pick it up and rest it in my open palm.

‘She wore this ? ‘ My Aunt nods and I can’t help but keep looking at it.
 There’s a honk outside and I know its Sky. I drop the Necklace and do the one thing I haven’t done since I was nine.

I give my Aunt a hug.
 She takes a step back and I think im as startled as she is. I step back quickly and grab for my purse. My Aunt is still standing in my room as I walk to the door.

 ‘Thank you , ‘ I say softly as I walk to the front door. I can’t help but touch the necklace on the way there.
     Little by little , it felt like my mother was starting to come back.

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