How things are.

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  School .  My Aunt.  Sky.  Tucker.
   They all seemed to be tied together into one little Bow tie.

So ,When School finally showed up on Monday , I was Kind Of Excited . Even if I had to see Stoned weirdo’s who threatened to cut my toes nails.

Yeah. Im not even going to go there.

    According to my Aunt , I was grounded , but I knew It wasn’t going to last long. Sky called me on Sunday , saying we were going to have a BIG conversation. With one shoe on my foot and the other in my right hand, I race out the door.

My Aunt yelled something behind me , but I didn’t catch it. Ever since she told me about my mom, her old happy self hasn’t come back. Now , every time she talked to me , she seemed to be calculating her words, as if I was a piece of fragel glass that could be broken any minute.

But , she didn’t have to worry about that. If I was glass, I would have already of been broken. And , I was. I was just trying to Pick up the pieces of my life, and put it back together.

   I open the car door and shut it. I put on my shoe and look over at sky . She was staring at me , her eyes narrowed. I gave her a big smile , but her eyes just narrowed more, turning into slits.

  ‘ Now, ‘ She says calmly. Still looking at me. ‘ What happened ? I tried calling you , and when someone finally did pick up , it was your Aunt freaking out about you. Oh , and Don’t even get me started on how freaked out I was ! I thought you got picked up by a bike gang and Was halfway to Alaska ! ‘

  Im beyond amused. But, It felt nice that she cared.

‘ Why would a bike gang go to Alaska ? Wouldn’t the snow get in the way ? ‘ I ask .

  She brings her gloved finger out and tsks me.

‘ Ohhhh , no you don’t. Don’t try to use senseless Facts that I don’t care about. Now, Spill. ‘ And I let out my breath and tell her everything.

                          * * *

Im looking at Sky , biting my tongue.

 We have been sitting in the parking lot for about five minutes and she has been staring straight ahead. I don’t even think she has blinked.

  ‘ Sky ... ‘ I tap her shoulder for the seventh time and she turns her head to me slowly, keeping the rest of her body facing forward.

  ‘ Okay.  Mom, Aunt, Tuckers Naked body. I think I got it . ‘ Im still looking at her and she takes a few deep breaths.

‘ Mom, We will talk about later, when you come over to my house and spill everything. When your not grounded , of course. ‘ Im still listening and her eyes go wide.

‘ but Tucker ? The Tucker ! Did you k - Wait. Did he have any kind of scars on him ? Like gun bullets ? Knife scars from being in a knife fight ? Sh - ‘I hold up my hand to make her stop.

‘ I don’t even want to know where you were going. But yes, I Slept With Tucker . ‘

She looks at me still wide eyed and I groan and set my head on my hands. ‘Does this make me a slut ? I’ve only known him for about three weeks. ‘

I groan some more and put my head on dashboard. ‘ yep. Total Slut. ‘ I hear Sky laugh and I look up at her.

  ‘ No Sweety. Your not that. trust me , ‘ She reaches over and bumps her fist on my shoulder. ‘So, do you love him ? ‘ She wiggles her black eyebrows and I laugh.

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