How a Fight goes down.

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Okay,  I should warn you that there is fighting in this chapter and if you hate violence , then you should skip this chapter . Besides that , go ahead and read on (:


    ‘What about The future?’ I ask, leaning back on the black hood of the car behind me .

  I look up at the sunset beginning to set into the sky. Pinks clash with the light blues and I can already see the stars peaking out of their hiding places. I hear something grunt next to me and I smile a little.

‘Future to me has no meaning.’ I turn over on my stomach, my feet hanging off the side of the hood.

  I prop myself on one elbow and look up at Tucker who had his arm resting loosely on one knee that was propped up.

‘Please,’ I say up to him. ‘that’s a cop out. You already told me you wanted to do music. So, what else?’ Before he can answer I hear someone scream in the distance and I glance behind me.

Sky had her hands up trying to block Nick from putting a bug on her. Im sure she would have ran, but with the hospital thing, it didn’t look like she was getting anywhere.

I smile as Nick gives up and reaches for Sky who started to turn a pink color.

I turn back to Tucker and I see him looking at me, His green eyes shining in the setting sun.‘You know, New girl, you have a lot of questions.’

I shrug and roll over on my back. I close my eyes and talk softly to him. ‘ I just like knowing things about you.’ I say it without bothering to be embarrassed.

  I hear Tuckers soft laughter and soon it gets quiet.

I know you are wondering, did I tell Tucker I loved him?  The answer would be … No.When Tucker told me he did, he put his finger to my lips and told me I didn’t have to say it back until I was ready.

I was ready, but then I wasn’t.  Stupid way to put it, but the only way I could. Now me and Tucker sat in a field about two miles away from school watching the sun go down.

Somehow, after the whole thing at school, Sky was waiting for me in the parking lot saying that she told her mother that she was hitching a ride with Nick.

Come to find out, she was worried about me and when she saw me walk out with Tucker, her mouth went into a straight line.

 Fast forward about an Hour, a talk ,  and here we were , Just a bunch of teenagers sitting in a field batheing in the feel of first love.

   I feel something touch my cheek and I look up shyly to see Tucker run his finger down my cheek softly. I smile a sad smile and Tucker turns his head to the side.

 ‘What’s wrong?’ he asks, concern in his voice.

   I let out my breath and I close my eyes resting my head on the cold Hood. ‘Tucker, I’m leaving soon. There’s only about two more weeks of school left and then I’m heading back to my dad’s house.’

  My eyes tighten for a moment. How could it have been three months already? I feels like my whole life has done a complete 350 , yet the world around me has still stayed the same.

How could I have learned what Love is and before I even get to really experience it, I’m going back to the life I left behind.

 You remember that saying? Sooner or later your past will catch up to you?

How it happened.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant