How you break a heat. ( last chapter )

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 A/N* Oh , The fabulous end!

 Second Book on Profile . Check it out !! ---------->



       You know when things build up and build up and finally sooner or later, things have to spill over?

Maybe not.

 Maybe you get what i am saying in some twisted , deformed way , but all I know is that is kind of how I feel right now.

All my life it was always about my mother. How I either hated her or loved her. And more recently I figured out that I really think that I might be still tangled in her webs.

People have been here to stand by me, to grab my hand and guide me through my life, but at this moment the decision to do what I am doing is mine and mine only.

Some people will think it’s stupid. I think it’s stupid. I mean, if someone left you and didn’t bother to care, and then shows up in your life, asking for a second chance, what do you do?

People make mistake all the time, right? Heck, I have made plenty of them.

  But, what if the mistake is one that cannot be forgiven? What if you made a mistake in your life that shaped how someone else’s small world played out?

 Should I turn my head like she did to me, and tell her that she was crazy if for one second I would agree to what she was saying?

 Or should I reach forward and hold onto her as tight as I could, and never let go because I found the one thing I thought I was lost with forever.

   Now; I know who I am.  I figured that out along this silly little journey.

But know I want to know who She is. The woman who’s DNA runs through my blood and makes me who I am.

Maybe I’m just scared.

Maybe I just want to confirm what I have feared this whole time. I want to make sure I am not her.

So that’s why I decided to go with her.

        A choice harder than one might think.


I look at the car in the driveway, the one with the trunk open, my silly little suitcase sitting in their all alone.

  My Aunt stands behind me, talking to my mother in a strained voice.

I lift my head up and let the sun splash across my face. I was surprised when I told my father that I was going to spend my Summer in Alabama, with my mother and her new family.

He gave me warnings and asked me countless times if I was okay with this. I told him I was, even though I didn’t know that answer myself.

  On the way to Alabama, we have to stop by my house anyways, and that is one scenario that I don’t know how is going to play out.

Something brushes my arm and I look down to see the Brown leather braclet that was strapped on my wrist. On it said:

 S+B= bbfl.

I run my finger over it and close my eyes. Sky cried, of course, and told me to keep in touch. The funny thing is, even if it wasn’t my mother who was taking me away, it would have been my father.

How it happened.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt