How you invade a Hospital.

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I have always hated hospitals. There is just something about the Clean smell that gives me the creeps. The ride to the hospital was in nothing but silence. I tried asking Kevin what happened to Sky but he was so Busy looking out the window that Everytime I asked he would look at me with a far away look .

 The minute the car parks in the parking lot I sling the door open. I hear Tucker calling my name but I don’t bother to stop or to look back. I push open the hospital door and a few people lift their heads to see what all the comontion is. I see a little desk to my right and I jog over there.

 A Lady with white hair see’s me and she starts to lift out of her chair a little, probably thinking I had an emergency. I use my hand to tell her to sit down and she does. When I get to the the desk I put my palms on her desk and lean toward her, breathing Heavy.

 ‘ Im here to See Sky Kale . ‘ I speak fast and the lady just looks at me. Im waiting for her to .. idk , like , point me to a door or tell me where to go, but all she does is take a breath and turn to the computer.

  She types a few things and then turns to me. ‘ Are you family ? ‘ I think . Should I lie and tell her I was just to get into the room to see her? Or I should I just say I was a close friend and hope for the best ?

  Luckily, I don’t make the decsion. I feel someone lay a hand over mine that was on the desk and I look up Startled and look into Tuckers green eyes. I can See worry for Sky and Concern for me in thier depths .

 I hear something grunt next to me and I see Kevin fly to the desk and start talking to the lady. They say a few things, but I was to busy hoping that she would let me and Tucker in to listen or to put anything in.  the girl finally sighs and she starts to print something.

  ‘ You and him have to wear these back there to get in. ‘ She hands up these stickers and I hurry to put mine on and Tucker slaps his backwards over his chest. The girl Looks at Kevin and her eyes get a little sad.

  ‘ Sky Kale is in room A103. ‘ Kevin nods and pushes off the desk. I follow behind. My hands are shaking and soon I feel Tucker slide his hand into mine and twine our fingers together. He gives a little Squeeze to tell me everything was going to be okay .

  And god, I hope it was. I have no idea what I would do if Sky was beyond Repair. What if I went in there and they told me that she only had so long to live ? What would my last words be ? how in the hell would I even choose my last words to her ?

  I shake my head and I feel the tear slide down my cheek. Kevin is further ahead of us but I Know Tucker catches it. He stops and pulls me to the side. Tucker Grabs my chin and slowly moves my face up.

  ‘ She is going to be fine , ‘ he says to me , wiping another tear away with his thumb. I bite my bottom lip. ‘ But how do you know ? ‘ there was no way that he knew Sky was okay. For all  he knew she could have been lying in a bed bloody and broken. My bottom lip starts to quiver and I know im about to break down.

  Tucker bends down to look at my face and when he see’s another tear he brings me forward and waps his arms around me tightly. I put my face in his neck and I let the tears fall from my face and travel into his skin. I hear Tuckers heart and I try to focus on how fast it was going.

  ‘ Brooke, ‘ Tucker says softly into my hair. ‘ Sky is a strong girl. Do you really think she would give up early ? ‘ I think about his words and I smile a small smile. No, Sky would never give up.  I want to Say so much to Tucker . I want to thank him for being here with me , I want to thank him for being there when I feel like im at my worst. There is somuch I want to tell him, but right now I had to focus on Sky.

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