How a Bad Boy goes all out.

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  • Dedicated to Heather. Who Believed in Brooke and Tuckers Story <3

  I feel a warm hand go around my eyes and obscure me in darkness.

  I smile and I feel Tucker press into my back, his breath fanning across my neck and down my cheek.

  "Why can’t I look?" I ask and I feel Tucker move in front of me and twine his fingers in mine. He starts to tug me forward, little steps at a time.

  "It’s a surprise ... " He stats secretively and I roll my eyes behind his warm hand. I hear as he opens his front door and I feel the cold air on my arms.

When we both showed up at is house and the minute I got out of the ca, he put his hand over my face , shielding me from the night. I still have no idea what this was all about but to be honest I was more than willing to follow Tucker anywhere. 

A scent surrounds me and I hear the door clicking into place .

"What are you doing?" I breath, that smile still on my face. I feel Tucker lean from behind me and I feel him smile slowly against my ear. 

  "New girl, If you don’t stop asking questions, I wont remove my hand." I go to turn my head to were he was leaning by me. Right now all I wanted was to be looking up at him. I just wanted to know he was actually real. 

  "Nah. You are to much of a gentlemen to do that."  I tease and I hear his soft laughter float behind me. I take a breath and Tucker counts to three under his breath.

  "Ready?" He whispers and I nod my head slowly.

He removes his hand and I open my eyes and for a moment Im speechless. No, speechless wasn’t quiet right, I was rotted in my spot. 

I look up and blink at the white and blue christmas light strung around the room. In the middle was a round table with a white cloth draped over it.

On there was a candle and two plates. The whole placed smelled like lillies and candel smoke. The favct that he did all of this for me makes my heart squeeze in my chest.  I turn around fast and I see Tucker leaning against the wall.

"you did this?" I look back before he can answer and see rose petals scattered on the ground. He just gives me a small smile.

  ‘Well with help from my mom of course. If it was my choice, I would be taking you to the local Buger joint." He thinks for a minute and shivers .

"Actually, I don’t even want to think about that." I laugh and grab his hand, dragging him to the table. Yeah, I didn't want to think about bugars for a very long time. 

"If you were so dead beat on giving me this date," I say as I still drag him to the table. " Then you will do it right." He looks down at me amused. I give him an amused smile right back.

 "Sir, im waiting for my chair." My eye's look to the white chair and back up to him. He bows a little and pulls out my chair.

 "Im so sorry. Let me get that for you." He pulls out my chair and holding my chin high I take the seat. Tucker goes to take his seat and soon were staring at each other. He clears his throat.

"So do you get out much?" He raises both eyebrows and he was talking in an Australian accent. I bite my lip to keep from laughing .

  This was so lame, but so Me and Tucker.

 I make my back straight and still keep my chin hel high like a respectful women. I grab a napkin and drape it on my legs comically .

  "Only when the husband is out. Seems he never leaves much now and days." This time I give the same Australian accent back and I see Tuckers eyes bright up.

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