How things come to an end.

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 A/N* It's short, but it is the second to last chapter till i post the finale one, which might be tommorrow or tonight ! Anyways, this is it !  Im kind of excited its coming to an end.  while writing this, i did cry. Maybe because i become so attatched to these characters or the fact i wish i could have wrote more about them, but this was the story i had to tell,. It's been bitter sweet

so ... enjoy ! (:


When everything in your life falls apart what do you do?

I was tired of running.

Tired of fighting.

I was just tired.

  My Aunt looks at me and I look at her. She taps her hands over her phone that just got off the Phone with Tuckers mom. I look at my hands now, look at the whiteness of them, and I take in a big gulp.

‘You and Tucker could have been seriously hurt.’ She looks at the bruise running from my temple to the bottom half of my eyes. My Aunt shakes her head and my hair falls in front of my face.

I was happy Tucker was all right, I guess that was a big upside to everything that happened that night . Another thing I was grateful for was that neither one of us was charged.

According to the police, Gianna's friends came up and told the story about how they were the ones that started it all. Never thought people could actually do the right thing, but i guess there is a first for everything.

Plus, Sky kind of threatened them ...

Mostly, the charges went to Gianna who was still iun Jail.

Tucker made it out okay and I close my eyes now and I can still see his black eyes and scarped chin. My Aunt is still talking about how dangerous everything is and I listen.

‘You know Brooke  ... I called your father.’ I wince and my Aunt looks at me with sad eyes. I know what she was thinking, I was a total mess up.

I was exactly as everyone said I was. I got in trouble, did things I shouldn’t have done. I made mistakes.

Big mistakes.

‘What did he say?’ I ask, quietly and this time my Aunt grabs my hand.

‘he thinks that it’s time to go home soon. School is over in a week and after that, it’s home sweet home.’

I close my eyes and I’m shocked to feel something slide down my face. I press my finger to my eye and I bring it back and look at the tear in wonder.

I  look at my Aunt confused as another Tear appears. My Aunt looks at me and she smiles, and as she reaches to wipe away a tear, I see one fall down hers.

‘I love you Brooke. I know you may think that I blame you for the things you did, but I know you’re a good person. You just have to find yourself.’

 I lift my eyes to the ceiling and rub under my eyes.

‘But what if the real you is trouble?’ I ask, looking back at my Aunt, trying to swallow the lump in my throat that was forming.

What if in life all i will ever be is trouble?

My Aunt shakes her head, smiling through the tears still on her delicate face.’ Never. I wouldn’t Believe it with my own to ears.’

 We both laugh a little and then we get quiet. We both look at the table and my Aunt finally decides to talk again.

‘I’m going to miss having you around.’ I look up at her, and this time I grab for her hand. How is it that someone you never knew before in your life, can have such an impact in such a short time.

‘Aunt Linda, If it was my choice I would stay here with you .’ My Aunt squeezes my hand and laughs a little, eyes wide in mock horror.

‘Oh, no! I would have a heart attack!’ I roll my eyes and my Aunt smiles at me, a smile that could brighten any room. She opens her mouth, about to say something when my phone starts to go off.

i sigh and i head to my room and dig my phone out from under the bed and i flip it open, me still on my stomach.

'' Yeah?' I say into the phone, and i hear a deep voice sigh on the other side. "brooke?' the voice asks and i frown.

Okay... who is this?

 i ask the question and the person seems to be aggravated. "it's Adam.' I lift off my stomach and sit on my bed and run my hand over the sheets. 'Oh. whats up?' I try to act like nothing just happened.

I really needed to get caller I.D.

 'well ... I finally came out to my parents.' Adam says, his voice trying to be brave but i could hear the hurt behind it. My eyebrows furrow together and i whisper to him.

"And how did that go?' I can hear Adam say something to someone and a door get slammed. I wince a little and Adam seems to make a sound in the back of his throat.

'not to good. mother's fine with it, i guess she always known, but my father is taking it rather badly. I guess he never pictured his son being a fag.'

  he says it bitterly and i try to think of something to say. You would think with all the fights i have been in, i would know what to say in these situations.

I opt for the best route. 'Adam ... maybe you don't think so now, but over time this will be the best thing you ever did. Soon they will learn to deal with it and if not, then they will have to understand this is your life , not theirs. '

 Adam seems to let out a breath he had been holding for awhile.

'Thanks Brooke, i really needed to hear that. '

I laugh a little and i hear something bang from my side of the converstaion. I hold the phone away from my ear and listen as the noise happens again.

was that knocking ...

 'Adam, im sorry but i have to go. ' I hang up the phone and i slowly get off my bed and make my way to the door.

I hear two low, hushed whispers and someone's voice getting louder.

I open the door and i see Half of my Aunts body hidden behind the open front door. she's saying something urgently to the person there and i pad my way to her, trying to see who it is.

'Aunt Linda ?' I ask, uncertainly, and my Aunt swirls around, wide eyed. Her mouth is open and her face is white, but im not focused on her face.

 Im focused on the face of the person in front of me.

 'Hi Brooke, Long time no see.' the women smiles and she doesn't even have to tell me who it is, because i just know.


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