How a person discovers a secret.

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I feel the phone vibrating next to my ear.

I turn on my back and blow the hair out of my face. little pieces fall back to my face and i smile as my phone still tickles my ear. I was having a very good dream about me and Tucker, and no, it did not involve those ridiculous costumes we had to wear on Tuesday.

My phone is still going off and i flip on my Stomach and grab for the phone. I have no idea who would be calling me this early on a Saturday morning, but i had a clue.

i flip the phone and in  the most seductive voice i could utter, i talk into the phone.

" Hello, " i say as sexy as i can and i wait for the other person on the line to talk.

" Brooke ? "

the voice says weirdly and i just smile and twirl my hair like on of those weird love sick girls. so, Tucker wanted to play the whole ' i don't know who you are ' game, well, i could go through with it too.

" Maybe, depends who's asking . "

I making a kissing sound like I'm putting on lip gloss and i still have my voice below a whisper. i hear some muttering and then the voice comes through.

" can you tell Brooke its Adam ? " i hurry up and sit up in my bed. shit ! i totally sounded like an idiot over the phone. i act like I'm clearing my voice and cough a little, like i had a cold.

' sorry, i thought you were someone else. '

i say it a little sleeplessly and i can hear Adam smirk.

" figured as much. " I push a brown strand of my hair behind my ear

. " so , what’s up ? " i so did not need to continue the conversation of what just happened not even a few seconds ago

. I hear Adam laugh a little and I'm sure he was thinking the same thing. " Im calling about the project. we got pretty far, but we just need to write about the view point of Juliet and how she sacrificed herself for love. "

i nod my head to no one. Me and Adam had gotten a lot of things done in class. well, more like Adam did more then i did. Half this week i was to busy trying not to jab my pencil in Gianna's eye every time i heard her laugh across the Class room.

Tucker seemed like he could care less about Gianna and every time he seen Adam lean a little to close to me i would see his muscles tighten just the tiniest bit.

I knew Tucker wasn't some over protective guy . I mean, hell, i was picturing pulling Gianna's hair out every time she even looked at him, so i got the point.

" wanna come over ? " I asked, pushing myself off the bed and heading to my drawers . I pull out a black jacket and pull in over my black tank top.

I shimmy into pair of light jeans as i wait for his reply.

" Sounds good. I'll be there in fifteen. ' i shut the phone and throw it on my bed. I hear my Aunt in the kitchen banging around and i decided to check out what all the noise was

. I pull my hair into a ponytail, figuring there was no reason to get all fancied up just to see Adam. I open my door and I'm met to the Whole living room and kitchen cleared out.

I look around and I see my Aunt on a chair and A paint brush in her hand. She see’s me and she looks down on me and smiles a wide grin .

  ‘ Brooke ! Your up ! ‘ She has light blue paint across one cheek and her jean overalls are covered in blue and white. I look around and back up to her.

 ‘What are you doing ? ‘ She wipes her arm over her forehead.

 ‘ Im Cleansing the Atmosphere . Making all the negativity exit out and bring in good luck and fortune. ‘ I look at the blue walls in distaste .

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