How A Bad Boy steals a part of your heart. ( part one )

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 I watch as a pink fishnet gloved hand reaches over me and grabs a hanger. I look up fast and watch as Sky picks out a long red dress and puts it up to her small fragile frame . I look at it for a moment, my finger on my chin comically,  and laugh.

  "He's not taking me to prom. And even if he was, that would so not be on my to wear list."  Sky blushes an unnatural pink color and puts it back quickly.

 "Oh , shut up." I finger a green dress and decide to move on. I skim over some more, which weren't the cutest things on the fashion branch, and rest my head on the rack. I reach into my pocket and look at my phone and the text that laid on it.
                        * Wear something nice. I know you can do it .. *

   I know it was from Tucker and I still have no idea how he got my number, but I didn’t mind.  

Sure , this was not our first date but It felt like it. My hands kept getting clammy and I kept looking over my shoulder, thinking any minute he was going to just show up behind me as if by magic. 

I knew I should of dealeted the text, the whole fact that I kept looking at it was kind of creepy in a way, but to be honest I was excited. This is the first time a guy has ever went through something to ask me out.

And I was going to cherish that the best way I could.

I lift my head and Sky sighs. Her breath moves my hair and I know how she feels. We have been here for an hour looking for that one dress that would make me look perfect and so far we haven't found it. 

I move my finger over a purple one, that from here looks pretty good. I pull it out and the bottom puffs out in a tutu and the neckline is heart shapped and so low you could probably see my belly button. 

Ah , no.

      I start to put it back when I hear a gasp. "Give me."  Sky mutters as loud a she could and she snatches the dress out of my hands before I can even utter a single word.

I watch as she snuggles to her chest  and Ican't help but laugh. That dress was practically made for her. I got to turn back to the rack, to look yet again,  when my foot catches on something rather sharp . 

  I have only about a second to understand what’s going to happen , before I go shooting forward. My hand goes to grab the rack for balance , but my weight is more then the bars, so I end up taking it down with me.  

A mess of dress and limbs.

There’s a loud crash and soon dresses are flying everywhere. I see nothing but yellow and I put my hand out in the air and I feel a hand wrap around mine, and pull.

     Im yanked up hard and fast and soon I see Sky above me. I look down on my lap and around  to see that I am literally covered in a sea full of colors.

I start to push dresses off my lap when behind me I hear a shriek. I turn around fast and see the owner of the shop come running over , with her hands on either side of her face and her mouth wide open in shock.

 I start to stand up and when I do my hand lands on something black and silky. My hand slides and I pull it out from under my palm and hold it up to the light. 

There are no strings or anything else up top. It just goes straight across and I hold it up higher and see that it wasn’t to short or too long.

It was a little tight , so it would show my figure, but also not too tight so it would make me look like a tramp or slut. I turn it over quick, blocking out the owner who was flipping out , and look at the size on the back.

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