How everything starts to fall into place.

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I sit on my bed and Pull the covers over my head and it makes me think about my life years ago.

When I was little, I used to get picked on .

    I use to come home and cry to my father, telling him that all the kids thought I was ugly and too Weird to hang out with them. My father use to pick me up and bring me to the living room.

He would tell me to stay and I would watch and listen as he went around the whole house gathering every blanket or sheet he could find. He would tell me to go get chairs and me and him would walk around and find chairs , big and small.

  ‘ Now, Brooke. ‘ he would say to me , as he threw the blanket over chairs and the ends of the couch. ‘ do you know what you are ? ‘ I would look around at the sheets over everything and the crown that my father but on my head, and I smiled at him every time and said the same thing.

  ‘ Im A princesses Daddy ! ‘ My father would laugh and he would lift me up and spin me. When we both got dizzy we would slump on the floor.

  ‘ you sure are ! And , what princesses is ugly ? Or weird ? Or any other thing those girls are calling you ? ‘ I would think back to every princesses movie I ever saw and shake my head.

‘ Princesses are beautiful and amzazing and they all have a prince there to save them ! ‘ My father would nod his head and he would crouch down on his stomach.

‘And what else does every princesses have ? ‘ I looked over at the mound of blankets and I would clap my hands.

  ‘Castles ! They all live in castles ! ‘ And my father and me would crawl into the Fort, and Act like I was the most Beautiful princesses while my father was my handsom Prince.

We would both fall asleep in there and every time before I fell asleep, with my crown still on my father would kiss me on the cheek and tell me I was the best thing to ever happen to him.

And every time he told me that , I would smile, knowing deep down in my heart, he was the best thing to ever happen to me.

  Now, with the blankets over my head, I stare at my phone. I knew Tucker was going to show at some point , but right now I was battling with my demons.

I flip the phone open and I dial the one person who I need to hear the truth from more then anything.

  ‘ Brooke ? ‘ I hear the croaky voice on the other side say. I sigh and slide down deeper in my covers, shading myself in the dark.

‘ hey , dad . ‘ I hear my dad get off the bed and Walk over to turn on the light switch.

‘ Brooke , Im so glad to hear from you. I’ve been worried and -‘ I cut him off before he continue. Me and him had a few things to talk about, and I knew what I had to say first.

‘Dad, I was arrested. ‘ Its quiet for a moment and I hear his breathing get heavier .

  ‘Are you there now ? Do you need me to call your Aunt , I .. ‘ he’s freaking out and after awhile I finally talk , calming his nerves.

 ‘No, Dad, I Was arrested. Im already home. ‘ I wait for it to  sink in and when he talks I can hear the worry still there, but mixed with anger.

‘ What did you do ? ‘

      I open my eyes and start to trace letters on my knee as I tell him about the break in. I tell him , well, more like lie to him, saying that Aunt Linda grounded me and she took care of everything.

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