chapter 4

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There were two girls who were flying together with their books in their arms. Two boys were being jerks and one zapped a girl's butt with his heat vision. The girl did not like that and froze them both instantly into human icicles. There was then a cheerleading squad which seemed to be all clones of one girl, and in fact, after one final move, they were in fact, just one girl cloning herself.

"Cool." Vincent said.

As they walked along, there came a chubby bully boy who zipped over to them and spun around in numerous circles to make them dizzy and miserable on their first day of school.

"Hey, freshmen!" the boy smirked as another boy who stretched like elastic came to his side. "Your attention, please!"

"I'm Lash," the stretchy boy said. "This is, uh, Speed. As representatives of the Sky High Welcoming Committee--"

"We'd be happy to collect that $15 as the new student fee." the chubby boy folded his arms with a smirk as his friend stretched out his arm, expecting to be given money.

"Not happening." Akito said, already knowing that there wasn't any new student fee.

"Okay, guys, very funny," a black-haired girl in pink walked over. "I'll take over from here."

The two bullies glared to her, but they walked away.

"Hey, everybody, I'm Gwen Grayson; your student body president," the girl introduced herself to the newbies. "And smart move in catching on what Lash ad Speed were trying to do newbie."

"Hey, no problem," Akito smiled. "I studied the handbook day and night."

"I knew something was off." the nerdy boy agreed with him.

"I know you're all going to love it here at Sky High," Gwen smiled to them. "I know I have... I've just had the greatest experience..."

Will stared to Gwen and he seemed to be in another world as she greeted and welcomed them all to the school. Vincent saw that look in Will's eyes and could tell that he was falling in love.

Gwen then started to explain about rules that needed to be followed in this school. "If you can just remember those few simple rules, I promise you will not fall off the edge of the school."

The others laughed to that since it was kind of an inside joke.

"Follow me inside for orientation." Gwen led the way.

"Rules?" Will cluelessly asked. "What rules?"

"Seriously?" Estelle asked.

"Weren't you paying attention?" Layla frowned to him.

The students were being led into the gym for their freshman orientation.

'Just like back in my universe.' Akito thought to himself.

The students whispered amongst themselves as they wondered what was going to happen in this school.

"Gwen Grayson..." Felicity said to herself. "I wonder if she knows Robin from the Teen Titans... Maman told me that Robin's real name was Dick Grayson."

"Maybe." Estelle shrugged.

"Good question though." Vincent had to agree.

A glowing white light came in.

"GHOST BALL!" the Fudo siblings and Felicity panicked due to past experiences. But they were wrong as the ball of light showed that it was actually the principal of the school.

"Good morning," the woman smiled warmly. "I am Principal Powers. On behalf of all the faculty and staff, welcome to Sky High."

"YEAH!" Will's friend named Zach cheered, but he was the only one really pumped while the others stared at him awkwardly.

Akito and Estelle Go to Sky HighWhere stories live. Discover now