chapter 17

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Meanwhile, there was a party going on in the Stronghold house. And where the only ones that were invited were the students that were named heroes.

Jenny took out her laptop and put on an ear-piece as she then typed at the keyboard and she then had a secret camera spying on the Stronghold residence. "We're in." she then told the others as she put her gadget genius side to work.

"Now we can see what's going on over there." Estelle said.

"Jenny would be an amazing W.O.O.H.P. agent." Lee whispered to the Fudo siblings.

The Fudo siblings nodded, agreeing with him on that.

"I feel like this party is going unsupervised..." Jenny said as she watched all around the house with the hero students of Sky High.

"That's because it is." Akito said.

"I've seen this a lot in movies," Jenny said. "Will's parents are not going to be happy with this."

"You are so cute when you're all hardcore like that..." Vincent swooned.

"I hate to do this to Will." Akito said as he looked for the phone number of Will's parent's business phone number.

"Thanks, Jenny." Estelle said.

"Don't thank me, thank Tech." Jenny smiled.

"Well then, we'll have to thank him next time." Estelle smiled as Akito finally found the phone number and started dialing.

"A little quiet, please?" Akito requested.

The others nodded and then quieted down.

"Uh, hello, Mr. Stronghold?" Akito answered the phone. "Yes, I know you're busy right now, but I need to tell you something."

'What's wrong?' Steve's voice on he other line asked.

"I'm afraid there's something going on in your house." Akito replied.

"Is it a villain?" Steve asked.

"No, it's... A party," Akito said. "With no adult supervision."

"What?" Steve asked.

"I'm afraid so, sir," Akito said. "I'm sorry."

Steve then told his wife what was going on and went back on the phone. "Thank you, Akito, we'll be right over."

"With how fast your wife flies, that will be soon." Akito said.

"You got that right." Steve replied before suddenly hanging up.

"How soon do you think they'll get back?" Emi asked.

"Wanna make a bet?" Akito smirked as he put the phone back on the hook. "Winner gets ride from the losers to the homecoming dance."

"WHAT?!" the others gawked at him.

"Hey, if you guys 'cept Emi are chicken, that's okay, I'll understand." Akito smirked.

"Hold up!" Emi glared.

"Yes, my sweet?" Akito smiled nervously.

"I accept the bet." Emi said.

"Oh, um..." Akito chuckled nervously. "Great..."

"I'd say they will get back five seconds." Emi said.

"You got a deal," Akito said. "Starting when?"

"Five seconds ago." Emi smirked to her boyfriend.

And where with the help from Jenny they could see the parents arrive at their house in five seconds. Emi smirked while this caused for Akito to anime fall.

"I just set myself up for that." Akito said.

"Uh-huh..." Emi smirked to him.

"You're smart for a Pokemon Princess..." Akito smirked back.

"And you're smart for a detective's son." Emi patted him on the head.

"It's true." Estelle nodded.

"How's Pikachu?" Akito asked. "Is he gonna evolve into a Raichu or what? Even Larvitar, Vulpix, Midreavius, and Teddy wanted to evolve."

"Sorry, but Pikachu doesn't seem to want to evolve." Emi said.

"So, he'll just be a Pikachu forever, huh?" Akito then asked.

"Mm-hmm..." Emi nodded gently.

"So then he might be the oldest Pikachu." Akito said.

"Sounds like something in the book of world records." Emi chuckled.

"Yeah." Akito nodded.

"Oh, I hope Will doesn't get into too much trouble with his parents..." Felicity hoped as she looked out the window.

"I'm sure he won't be in much trouble." Estelle said.

"I hope so." Felicity replied.

"Ah, don't worry, Flick, it'll be okay." Chip soothed as he smiled his gap toothed grin which always put a smile on the pale girl's face.

"I can't wait for the dance." Lee said.

"Neither can I..." Estelle beamed. "I've been practicing for a while now."

"This dance or just your ballet?" Lee smirked playfully since Estelle was almost always dancing.

"Both." Estelle said.

Lee chuckled.

Akito and Estelle Go to Sky HighWhere stories live. Discover now