chapter 13

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Lunch time soon came. Felicity hummed 'Frere Jacques' to herself as she collected her tray about to sit with her usual group that she already knew. Akito and Estelle soon joined them.

"So, how'd you like your new class, Sis?" Akito smiled encouragingly.

"It was interesting." Estelle smiled.

"I was sure you'd love it, can't believe Boomer made you a sidekick though, those Brain Blasts are wicked." Akito said.

"I know, right?" Estelle asked.

"Oh, well..." Akito shrugged as they then sat down at their table. "At least you're on the hero team now."

"Yeah." Estelle agreed as she sat with him.

"Dad's so going to be happy." Vincent said.

"Does anyone else have a weird feeling about Gwen?" Estelle asked, seemingly out of the blue.

"I do." Akito said.

Will was sitting with Gwen and her friends while the others seemed to be looking for him.

"Have you guys seen Will? "Layla asked the Fudo siblings and their cousin.

Akito and the others pointed to a table where most hero students were. Will looked cautiously over to Warren who merely glanced at him, but looked back down to his table. Layla and the others soon started to coming over.

"Will sitting with Gwen Grayson?" Magenta commented.

"Man aims high. Gotta give him that." Zach added in.

"Is there enough room for us?" Layla asked.

"Sorry, all full." the clone girl known as Penny replied as she filled up the empty spaces with doubles of herself.

Layla and the others looked shocked as Will didn't even defend them or say anything. "Uh, that's okay, I think I see an empty table over there with the Fudos and their cousin," she then shrugged and walked with her friends to a different table with their lunches. "Come on, guys."

They soon went to Akito and the others' table. Penny and her clones seemed to laugh at them. Will didn't seem to like Penny's behavior.

"Warren seems quiet since you hypnotized him." Vincent said to Felicity.

"I tried..." Felicity shrugged. "Hopefully there'll be no more fights in school this way."

"I'm sure there won't be anymore fights." Akito said.

"Better not be." Estelle said cautiously.

After lunch...

Vincent went to his locker and took out a picture of Jenny and sighed softly before hugging it. "Sure wish you were here, Jenny." he sighed.

Akito felt the same way about Emi while Estelle did with Lee, but hopefully soon, they would be reunited.

Layla looked rather disappointed as she came to her locker. "Hey, guys..." she greeted her new friends softly.

"Hey, Layla..." The Fudo siblings said softly.

Will decided to come see Layla.

"Looks like someone is coming over to talk to you." Akito said.

"We'll give you two some privacy." Estelle said.

Layla and Will then stood alone while the others wandered off in their own space in the hallway as the two talked about lunch. And where they were going to plan meeting up at a Chinese restaurant.

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