chapter 10

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Principal Powers took the teenagers out into the hallway, leading them somewhere else. She continued to walk them down the hall until she got them to a room that was all white. The door opened on its own and the teenagers walked into it.

"I didn't do anything though," Will said as he stood next to Warren. "He started it."

"Your dad started it and I'm gonna finish it." Warren glared as he then tried to shoot out flames, but somehow, he was unable to.

"This room must neutralize our powers." Akito said.

"It does, that's what the Detention Room is for," Principal Powers confirmed. "Sit!"

Will, Warren, Akito, Estelle, Vincent, and Felicity then sat down in the desks that they were forced into.

"Now, here at Sky High, we do everything we can to teach you how to use your powers," Principal Powers reminded firmly, but gently. "But what you do with them, now that's up to you. Living up to your father's reputation or trying to live it down is a sad waste of your talent. Your talent. Now try to keep that in mind the next time you're about to do something stupid." she then walked out of the room and left them all alone.

'Wow, she can be intense when she needs to be.' Estelle thought to herself.

"I can't believe I got detention...." Felicity folded her arms over the desk she was in. "Maman and Papa will be most displeased."

"Same with our parents." Vincent said.

"All right," Will took a deep breath and decided to talk to Warren about their rivalry. "Look, whatever happened with our dads, it has nothing to do with us. What do you say?" he then held out his hand, hoping to become friends.

"I say if you ever cross me again, I'll roast all of you alive." Warren sneered.

"Good to know." Akito said.

Will decided to just sit in silence until they would be let go.

Vincent sighed as he took out a picture of Jenny and gently stroked it with his hand. "Sorry, babe, I hope you never find out about this when we live in France with my art gallery and we're esteemed guests to numerous parties and social charities."

"Since when have you thought about your further future with Jenny?" Akito asked.

"Mind your own business..." Vincent firmly pouted as he held his picture of Jenny close to his body.

"Be nice to your brother..." Felicity glared.

"You stay out of this!" Vincent glared to her.

"Be nice to your BROTHER!" Felicity narrowed her eyes as her eyes seemed to flash again despite the detention room neutralizing super-powers.

"Not looking." Vincent said before covering his eyes.

"Be NICE!!!" Felicity's voice echoed.

Vincent's eyes widened and they turned into hypnotic swirls. "I'll be nice to my brother..." he droned in a hypnotic trance.

"You will not fight with him for the rest of the day and do whatever will make him happy..." Felicity glared.

"I will not fight with him for the rest of the day and do whatever will make him happy..." Vincent droned back.

"Felicity, you can't do that." Estelle said.

"I just did..." Felicity said.

"Akito, I want you to know something..." Vincent droned. "I want you to know how GULLIBLE FELICITY IS!" he then grinned with a laugh.

"Oh, Vincent, that was just mean!" Estelle pouted to her older brother.

"I knew it, I told Papa I could not hypnotize people, but he insisted I try my hardest!" Felicity cried.

"Then why does Warren look hypnotized?" Akito asked as he saw Warren look hypnotized.

The others looked over to see the fire-based villain boy was knocked out to the outside world.

"Um, Warren?" Will snapped his fingers to wake up Warren, but it didn't work. "I thought this room got rid of super-powers."

"Well, my parents are vampires actually..." Felicity smiled shyly. "I guess I do not count?"

"Yeah, I guess so." Estelle smiled.

"Um..." Felicity scratched her head. "You are a chicken! Cluck, Warren!" she then tested out her hypnotism as Warren seemed out of it.

Warren soon got out of his seat and started to cluck like a chicken. This made the others snicker as Warren was acting like a chicken now.

"Okay, okay, now stand up and go back to your seat and when you awaken; you will be your normal self, but will not be as vicious during detention." Felicity said.

"You sure you can do that?" Akito asked.

"It's worth a shot." Felicity said before she then snapped her fingers to wake Warren up.

Warren soon woke up back in his seat.

"What just happened?" he asked.

"Um, we're in detention..." Akito said.

"Oh... Bummer..." Warren looked away blankly, he was still mad with Will, but looked calm compared to he had before.

"Wow, it worked." Will whispered.

The others nodded.

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