chapter 9

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Mo and Josie shared a booth together at a late night cafe just to hang out and have some girl talk while their husbands were having their own fun. And where Atticus and Steve were both continuing their strength contest.

"Uncle?" Atticus asked Steve as he was on top.

"Fine, uncle." Steve grunted with a smile.

Atticus laughed as he then stood up and helped Steve up. "Not bad, I just wish I could've known you in an earlier life."

"Same here." Steve panted.

"I could've had fun with you instead of kooky old Drell..." Atticus then muttered under his breath.

"By the way, was the one that helped you get strong a big strong warlock?" Steve asked.

"Mm-hmm..." Atticus hummed firmly. "He wanted to be my father and wanted me to be his son."

"I wonder what made you so special?" Steve chuckled.

"I don't know," Atticus shrugged. "Anyways why do you ask?"

Steve smirked while pointing behind him.

"What?" Atticus asked.

Steve grabbed Atticus and turned him around to look right behind him.

"Hi." Drell waved.

"Drell, long time no see," Atticus folded his arms slightly. "Do you have any good news?"

"Steve's old enemy is in the high school and is a teenage girl that no one thought would be him/her." Drell said.

"The weapon that Royal Pain used didn't destroy her--" Drell started.

"Wait, her? Royal Pain was a female?" Steve asked.

"Yes, Royal Pain was and is a female." Drell said.

"What?!" Steve sounded shocked.

Drell reached into his pocket and took out his crystal ball. "Behold! The reason why I am the most awesomest man in the whole entire universe!"

"Just show us what you mean." Atticus said.

"Sit down." Drell said, then glared as they didn't. "SIT!"

Steve and Atticus sat down then. Drell then wedged himself between them and put his crystal ball on a stand to show them what he had meant.

The next day at school after that, Ron was being bullied by Lash and Speed who took his hat just to mess with him.

"Ahem!" Akito cleared his voice as he faced the school bullies who were too busy bullying to notice him until now.

Speed stopped running and came to Lash's side as they had the bus driver's hat.

"Will you be so kind as to give Mr. Wilson his hat back?" Akito demanded.

Speed tossed the hat hoping to let it land in the mud only for Akito to ruin their fun by catching it in time. Speed and Lash laughed as they left.

Akito sighed and shook his head with an eye roll as he then went to the bus driver. "Here you go, Mr. Wilson."

"Thanks, Akito." Ron accepted the hat.

"Sure, Mr. Wilson." Akito smiled.

"Oh, call me Ron." the bus driver insisted.

Akito winced a little about calling an adult by his first name. "Okay... Ron."

Soon enough, lunch came around.

"Over here!" Layla called to Will as he walked with his tray. "Saved you a seat!"

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