chapter 8

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"Okay, Atticus, what's on your mind?" Steve asked.

"Listen, I know that your son isn't in the hero department like you were, but at least he hasn't fallen off the edge of the school." Atticus said.

"I just don't want my own son to be a sidekick..." Steve sounded selfish. "I mean, they have that one kid who glows, they really lowered the bar some for superheroes at that school since I went there."

"I think we can actually blame Coach Boomer for putting your son and my daughter and niece as sidekicks," Atticus said before sighing. "But hopefully, they'll be placed in as heroes soon."

"Hope you're right." Steve said.

"How's about we play some pool to lighten the mood?" Atticus said.

"Pool, huh?" Steve replied. "I never took you for a pool kinda guy."

"I learned a thing or two from Wolverine" Atticus smirked as he took one of the pool sticks.

"You've met practically all the heroes, haven't you?" Steve smirked back as he took his own pool stick.

"You could say that." Atticus chuckled.

"You ever hear of Captain Zoom?" Steve asked as he polished the tip of his cue.

"Yes, in fact I was one of the lucky few who made it through the audition for the new team of heroes." Atticus smiled as he placed the white ball on the pool table and racked up all the rest of the pool balls into a triangle.

"Really now?" Steve replied.

"Yeah, I was there with my best friend and then girlfriend before we got married," Atticus said. "They came for support of course."

"Well, I can tell that you must have crushed it when it came to showing off your powers, mostly your strength." Steve chuckled.

"Yes, but Steve, powers aren't everything," Atticus said as he removed the triangle once the balls were all set. "My mother always told me it's what matters on the inside, the person of who you are."

"Weird, that's what my parents said too." Steve said as he was ready to shoot the white ball.

"Well, I think it's true," Atticus said. "You shouldn't stifle your son, I think you need to encourage him and support him, even if he ended up being a sidekick."

"All I ever want from Will is for him to save the world," Steve replied with a sigh after he took his shot. "I just want to feel that once."

"Um, Steve, I think you might still have some anger left in you because the white ball is now on your stick." Atticus said as he saw the pool stick have the white ball on it.

Steve looked and noticed that.

"Why are you being so tough?" Atticus frowned. "Will's only fourteen."

"I know, I know," Steve sighed as he got the white ball out of his pool stick. "It's just that I thought he would have been placed in the hero department."

"Well, maybe he will sometime..." Atticus shrugged. "Some kids develop powers quicker than others, like how girls mature faster than boys."

"Yeah," Steve sighed before getting an idea. "How's about after this we hit the weights and see which one can hold up the most?"

"If it'll get you in a better mood..." Atticus replied as he was going to take his turn after the white ball was back on the table.

"Great." Steve said before placing the white ball back on the table.

Atticus then took his turn once the ball was back in place. And where the game went on for about fifteen minutes.

Atticus stuck his tongue out as he was going to take his turn just as Josie was coming downstairs to check on her husband. And where he soon shot the white ball which hit the last ball which was the black number eight ball. "Check and mate." he then smirked as he spun the pool stick before sticking it in his pocket like a cowboy with a gun.

"Wolverine sure taught you well." Steve smirked back.

"Oh, he's the best next to Superman." Atticus smiled.

"Well, ready to go to the weights room?" Steve asked.

"Oh, I dunno, I got some work in my home office and I should check on Mo..." Atticus replied.

"She already knows you are here, Atticus and she told me to tell you to spend some time with Steve and relax a bit from this case you are working on." Josie said.

"Thanks, Josie," Atticus smiled. "Glad she understands."

"Anything that relaxes you." Josie smiles back.

"So then, off to the weight room." Steve said as he pressed a button that opened up two big doors that lead to his weight room.

Atticus smiled and went off to join Steve.

"Hopefully that'll settle Steve down about this hero business..." Josie said to herself as she went back upstairs.

"Alright, let's start out easy." Steve smirked as he lifted up a car.

"I'll show you easy.' Atticus laughed as he joined Steve. And where he soon lifted up a bus with one finger.

"Men..." Josie sighed as the two super-powered men were bonding downstairs.

Mo came to the door. "Mind if I invite you over?"

"Oh, hello, Mo." Josie turned in surprise to her new good friend.

"You look like you could use some female bonding." Mo smiled.

"That does sound nice," Josie replied. "Especially since the guys are paling around down in the Sanctum."

"How do you think it's going?" Mo asked before they felt the ground shake from underneath them.

"I'd say it's going great." Josie said.

Mo giggled. "Certainly feels like it."

"Come on, let's go out." Josie decided.

"O-Out on a school night while the kids are home alone?" Mo sounded worried.

"I'm sure they'll be just fine." Josie said.

"You think so?" Mo asked.

"Mo, they're teenagers now, I'm sure if anything happens, it'll be okay." Josie tried to soothe her friend.

"You're right, they're not little kids anymore," Mo smiled. "Besides, they have their Pokémon with them."

"That's the spirit!" Josie smiled back. "Now, how's about we go to a nice little coffee shop and shoot the breeze?"

"Yeah." Mo nodded.

Josie smiled as she took them into town just the two of them.

"Oh, um, I wanna check to make sure I locked the door..." Mo said.

Angel overheard that and jumped up in the air and swatted the lock with her paw to lock the door so Mo could not get back inside and have a panic attack about leaving the house and kids alone.

"We better bring out our Pokémon." Estelle said.

"All right," Felicity agreed as she grabbed her Pokeball. "I'll stay here overnight."

"Aunt Cherry and Uncle Forte won't mind?" Vincent asked.

"Date night." Felicity replied.

"Ohh." Vincent smiled.

"Tyranitar, come on out!" Akito called out as he let out his fully evolved Pokémon.

The Pokeball glowed and Tyranitar popped out and gave a signature battle cry before landing on the floor.

"Good boy..." Akito patted his Pokemon on th head. "I'm so proud of you."

"I'm so glad I got to evolve, Dad." Tyranitar smiled.

"I'm so happy for you." Akito smiled back.

Mo was about to try to open the front door but then saw Tyranitar through the front window and had a feeling she had nothing to worry about. Tyranitar then gestured for her to go on and gave a reassuring smile that nothing bad would happen in her and Atticus's absence. And where Mo took this as her chance to relax with Josie. The kids smild as they hoped Mo would relax for once.

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