chapter 22

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After putting the school back in place, all of the adults were changed back to normal. Luckily for them, Mr. Medulla knew what to do, even as a baby and could even speak to them in plain and simple English. And where the sidekicks AKA Hero Support kids that helped out with the situation were given a torphy while Gwen AKA Sue and her lackies were given detention.

"You were such a cute baby." Atticus smiled to Mo.

"So were you..." Mo smirked. "Quite a handsome one if I may add."

"Why thank you." Atticus smirked back.

They then heard a timer go off.

"Sounds like it's time we go back home." Emi said.

"Go back home?" Will asked after he talked with his parents. "You mean you're not staying?"

"I'm sorry, Will, this was a lot of fun, but this was only temporary," Akito said as he put his arm around the boy. "We'll keep in touch though, one way or another."

"Well, I hope you to see you again from time to time." Will said.

Akito and the others who were only there temporarily went back to their own dimension, but what they did there would be remembered there and in their own dimension.

"Welcome home," Mo smiled to the kids. "You all did very well, especially you, Eloise and Leon."

"I had no idea I had it in me." Leon said.

"You all did a great job." Superman smiled.

"Thanks, sir!" Akito beamed brighter than the others. "It was such an honor!"

"So now we know that we won't have to worry about Royal Pain." Superman said.

"Yes, sir!" Akito nodded.

"Mr. and Mrs. Fudo, I'm sure you won't mind, but I'd like Akito and the others to come visit," Emi said to her boyfriend's parents. "Ash and Serena are anxious to see them."

"Thank you." Emi smiled.

"Of course, dear, Akito talks about you a lot whenever you're not online." Mo smiled.

"Maaawwwm!" Akito's eyes widened and he turned red slightly.

"Aw!" Emi smiled.

Akito smiled sheepishly then.

"I saw my mother," Leon said to the Fudo parents. "Do you remember anyone named Yuki Ishida?"

"Yes, yes, we do." Atticus nodded.

"She told me that she knew Eloise's mother when she was younger," Leon said. "She also told me that you guys helped my Aunt Wendy, I haven't seen her in a while."

"Wendy Wu?" Atticus remembered. "Yeah, she went to school with my sister and she was told to become a warrior during homecoming. That was quite an adventure."

"And her powers were amazing." Mo smiled.

"Very much so." Cherry dryly added in.

"I really miss my mother..." Leon said softly.

"Well, you can see her in your dreams now." Forte soothed the Kushin boy.

"That's right." Eloise smiled.

"I wish she were here right now..." Leon whispered.

'I'm right here, my son, you just can't see me...' Yuki's voice said softly.

"Mother?" Leon asked.

There was a glowing sphere coming toward them.

"Is it Principal Powers?" Estelle wondered.

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