chapter 19

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Later on, it was time to get ready for the dance. Everyone wore what they wore to Emi's Pokemon ball to when Akito, Estelle, and Vincent first went to Southdale and met the Clark siblings for the first time which became a bigger adventure than they could ever hope for.

"I can't wait to get there." Estelle said.

"It is a magical night," Mo smiled as she then took out a case for Estelle. "I was going to save this until you were a little older the next time the Plaza Hotel has a Debutante Ball, but... You have enough grace as it is...." she then opened the case to show white opera gloves to go with Estelle's dress.

"Oh, Mom, they're beautiful." Estelle smiled.

"Your aunt sent them." Mo smiled back.

"She can do that in this dimension?" Estelle asked.

"Oh, your aunt is more wonderful and capable than she ever has been before from when she lived in Paris." Mo smiled.

"That's true." Estelle nodded.

Mo hugged Estelle with a tearful smile and Estelle hugged her mother right back.

"Oh, I still can't believe you're growing up to be a fine young woman." Mo smiled.

"Aw, Mom~..." Estelle replied as she shuffled her feet together.

"Oh, it just feels like yesterday we were bringing you and Akito home from the hospital~" Mo cooed.

"Mom!" Estelle blushed.

"Well, it's true..." Mo giggled.

"I suppose I feel the same way about Teddy..." Estelle said. "I remember when he was still just an egg and I took care of him day and night."

"You sure were great at keeping him warm." Mo said.

"Thanks..." Estelle smiled bashfully. "I really wanna be a mother someday."

"I know you'll be an excellent one." Mo cooed.

"So how do you think it's going with Lee and Dad?" Estelle asked.

"I'm sure it'll be better, dear." Mo replied.

Atticus was asking Lee various questions on what if situations like he had to do when he was first dating Mo. And where Lee answered them the same way he did when he was first dating Mo.

"Lee, I'm surprised at you." Atticus said firmly at first.

Lee's eyes widened as his face turned red slightly.

"I said those same exact things when Mo's father asked me about dating her for the first time!" Atticus grinned then with a hearty laugh.

"So then I've gained your approval?" Lee smiled.

"Yes, you have, just take good care of my little girl." Atticus said.

"Oh, yes, sir, I promise." Lee put up his right hand in honesty.

"Ya know, my sister Jessica once told me that this boy she went to high school with had a date with the president's daughter." Atticus smirked then.

"No way." Lee smiled.

"Way way..." Atticus nodded. "I was surprised myself."

"That is awesome." Lee smiled.

"Now go out there and be her Prince Charming." Atticus said.

"Thank you, sir!" Lee beamed and rushed off to meet Estelle, then ran into Akito and Vincent on the way. "Man, your dad is so cool!"

"Yeah, we know." Akito and Vincent smiled.

Akito and Estelle Go to Sky HighOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora