Stop The World (Jemi)

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6 years later: 


"Are you guys ready?" I yelled at the bottom of the steps."Almost mom!" Audrey replied.

We are going to a Christmas Dinner. "I'm ready mommy!" Mason ran downstairs,"Looking handsome as always." I smiled,"Here I am." Skylar came down in her christmas dress,"Beautiful." I smiled.

"Do we really have to go?" Jacob groaned,"Yeah,you're Nintendo Wii,will be here when you get back,come on." I laughed and we all got in the car once Audrey was ready.

I drove to the house,"Is Paige going to be there?" Audrey asked,"Everyone is gonna be there. You're father's family,my family." I smiled.

"Oh.." Audrey looked down."Hey,hey,I thought your father and you are okay now?" I looked at her and then back at the road.

Joe and I have gotten on good terms in the past couple years and Audrey and Joe are cool now."I am..I just..I still can't forget that he hurt us.." she sighed.

"It's going to be okay,baby..the past is the past." I sighed. 

We finally got there and headed out,we went inside,"Hey!" I smiled and hugged all my family,then I said hello to Joe's family.

"Hey Selly!" I smiled and hugged her."Hey Dems,how are you?!"  she smiled,"I'm good." I smiled,then I noticed Joe talking and flirty to this blonde chick,"Who's she?" I pointed.

Selena turned around,"Oh that's Chelsea,Joe's Fiance'." she told me,I looked at her,"Fiance?"

"Yeah,they have been dating for a year now,she's also expecting his baby." Selena said,I wanted to puke. "So this means you need to move on,'s over." Selena patted my back.

"Oh,I'm moved on,I'm over him." I sighed and watched Mason and Jeremy play,"Good." Selena laughed and walked off.

"Demi come here!" Joe smiled and I went to him,"Hey Joe." I smiled,"Hey,I want you to meet Chelsea,Chelsea this is my ex wife,Demi Lovato." Joe greeted.

"It's nice to meet you." I smiled,"You too." she smiled. I nodded my head and went back to the living room. "Present time!" Nick yelled out,I laughed a little.

I looked back and saw Joe kissing Chelsea,then Chelsea left and Joe sat next to me,"Where did she have to go?" I looked at him,"She had to go to her parents for a Christmas Dinner." Joe sat back.

"Well,congratulations on engagement and pregnancy." I smiled a lil,"Thanks Demi." He smiled."Whoa,thanks Nick!!" Jake smile,"What did he get you?" I asked.

"Wii Sports Resort!!" Jake smiled,"Wow,thank you Nick!" I smiled,"Nick got me a barbie playhouse with some barbies!" Sky smiled,"Wow,what do you tell uncle Nick?" I smiled."Thank you Nick!" Sky smiled.

"No problem,Sky." Nick smiled and handed me my present. "oh no.." I laughed and started unwrapping my present,I threw my head back laughing.

"What is it?" Joe smiled,"It's Santa Lingerie!" I said laughing,"You know when you go visit Logan,you can go surprise him!" Nick laughed.

"I'm not even going to ask how you know my size." I laughed,"Selena told me." Nick gushed,"Oh shut up!" Selena hissed. 


I was doing the dishes after we had dinner,"I think I'm going to head off.." Joe went to me,"Oh really?" I looked at him,"Yeah,Do you know where the kids are?" He asked,"They're outside playing around." I looked at him.

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