Chapter 11.

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(Make Sure to read the author's note at the end)

Joe's POV.

I have to try to get Demi back. I slipped on a beanie and my shoes,I got in my car and drove to Nick's. I knocked on the door. "Hey dude. I need your help."

"With what?"

"Demi...I kicked her out and now I think it's a mis--"


"DEMI!!" I yelled,seeing her asleep in the airport. I smiled,"Demi,wake up." I shook her,she opened her eyes,"Joe?" she looked at me,"Hey,we need to talk." I looked at her,"Have they called the flight to Texas?" she looked at me,"I don't know,but you're not going. Not now,not ever." I looked at her,"We broke up..I had a weird dream that everything was not true and I was at our vegas wedding and I said no because I did not want to go through shit."

I put my hand on her cheek,"I love you,Demi. I love only you. I love how your hair looks in the morning,I love that you are the best mother you can be to our 4 children. I love how you sing in the shower and I love when you are nervous,you fiddle with your fingers and laugh.I love everything about you,Demetria Devonne Lovato. I love that you went through so much shit with me,you were able to give me another chance." I looked at her.

She crashed her lips onto mine,I lifted her up,she wrapped her arms and legs around me,"I love you so much,Joe." she looked at me,"You did break up with Chelsea right?" she looked at me,I kept my lips close to hers,"Yes,of course."

She smiled and kissed me again,"Where are the kids?" she pulled away,"Jacob and Audrey are at a friend's house and Skylar and Mason are at a birthday party. Now just shut up and kiss me." I smiled,she giggled,she then finally kissed me again.

"Babe.." she pulled away,I groaned again,"I say we call the parent's kids and ask them if the kiss spend the night..and we go buy a hotel room." She played with collar,biting her lip,I chuckled,"We have alot of making up to do.." she smirked.

"Aw darn. I got something to do." I faked frown,"And that is?" she looked at me disappointed,"I have to go make love to the love of my life." I smiled and kissed her and carried her to my car,"What about my suitcases?" she asked,"I'll call Nick to pick them up." I put her down and we got in my car,"I'll call Mason and Skylar's friend's parents,you'll call Jake and Audrey's friends' parents." she told me and we started dialling their parents.


Demi's POV.

I laid my head on his bare chest,he was breathing so hard,it was so sexy. "What round was that?" he ran his fingers through my hair,"4." I smiled,"Wanna do some shower?" I smirked,"Do you think we should eat first?" he looked at me,"Then we would have to get redressed,and I wouldn't feel like it again,besides eating is for wimps,See you in the shower." I winked and got up and headed to the shower in our hotel room.


We somehow made it to the floor to our bed,we were kind of damp from the shower,but that was a few hours ago,we just finished round 12,I think. We were now all sweaty and breathing heavily, I sat on top of him,smiling at him,"We made a mess in this hotel." Joe laughed,"Oh well,thank god for maids." I smiled.

He chuckled,"Let's get something to eat,I mean it's 9 o'clock." I smiled,"So we finished only at 12  rounds?" he stroke my leg,"Well,aren't you tired?.." I giggled,"How could I be tired when there is a naked beautiful woman sitting on my stomach?"

I smirked and led to another round,which led to another round.

We finally quit and I slipped my clothes back on and tied my hair into a ponytail,"But I honestly don't think 14 round could cut it,I mean we've been  apart for 6 years,that's alot of make up sex to do." Joe said,I laughed,"We might finish a few more rounds,but I am starving." I smiled,and grabbed my purse. We headed out to the nearest restaurant.

We got back to the hotel,we did more rounds of sex.

"We can't be sex addicts,we have 4 kids." Joe put his arm around me,I giggled,"We're not sex addicts,trust me. We just missed each other and  made it up by 19 rounds of sex." I smiled,I put my leg over him and closed my eyes. I fell asleep in his arms.

4 weeks later;

Joe and I bought a house together and the kids were all excited to see us together again,I still haven't talked to Selena still,but it's whatever. We had a fast move in then usual people dude,but Joe knew people,plus I love this house.

"Babe,come watch this movie with us!" Joe called me over putting his beer bottle down,I got up and headed downstairs,he pulled me onto his lap,we all began watching the movie."Daddy.." Mason said,"Yes,Mase?" Joe looked at him,"Please don't hurt mommy again.." he said,"Yeah,please don't hurt mom again,Chelsea was rude." Audrey said,I smiled,Joe pulled me close,"I promise you guys,I won't ever hurt mommy,but I don't promise you guys that I will hurt her with all the love I give her." Joe smiled,I giggled.

I pecked his lips,"OMG ZAC EFRON!" Audrey yelled at the tv,"Wait,this is High School Musical?" I looked at the screen,"Yeah,Audrey wanted to watch it." Joe shrugged,I giggled.



● So I know probably you guys are upset at me because I can't make up my mind,but the wedding idea and that everything was an illusion was real,but then I got mean messages,saying,"I HATE WHAT YOU DID ON STOP THE WORLD" and those really hurt and then I had to sit down and think if I should keep the idea or not,then I realize that all the work I did on Never Let You Go and World Of Chances,would be a waste. So I had to think of something to bring the regular storyline back. So I thought it could just be Demi's dream. 

● and I didn't make their sex life descriptive because it'll be too much lmao.

● to who are still upset at me that I can' t make up my mind,screw you and the exit button it on the right  and good day,I  am sorry I can't make everyone happy.


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