Chapter 14.

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A month later;

Joe was taking the kids to school,since they overslept. I was in the bathroom,waiting for the tests to show,my phone dinged,I got up and looked at the sink,They were all positive. I smiled big,I am pregnant! I threw away the tests/

I heard Joe pull into the drive way,I smiled and headed outside,"Guess what!!!!" I ran to him,"What?" he smiled,I pushed him against his car,"I'm  pregnant." I smiled,he smiled,"You are?"  he smiled,I kissed his lips,"Yes." I smiled.

"We're having another baby!" he smiled at me,cupped my face and kissed me,I giggled a little. "This leads to my other thing.." he looked at me,"Yes.." I looked at him,worried,rubbing his chest. "I was wondering if you would let me get a vasectomy..since you did say this would be our last child...and we wouldn't have to worry about birth control and condoms.."

"But would it change your desire or ability to sex?" I whispered,he chuckled,"No,I can still do all the things before,I just won't have sperms." he chuckled,making me turn red. "So is it a yes or no?" he looked at me,I sighed,"Yes." I kissed his lips.

20 weeks later;

I slipped on a red lace knee length maternity dress with nude heels,I did my hair into a bun and then did my makeup,"You ready gorgeous?" Joe came behind me and pecked my cheek,we were going to Audrey's Middle School Graduation.

"Yeah." I got up and grabbed my purse. "Are the kids in the car?" I took his hand,"Yeah." he smiled," I put my other hand on my stomach, I got in the car and Joe drove us to the school.

We got there,I got out and helped some of the kids out, We headed inside,we found spots on the bleachers,"You comfortable?" Joe looked at me,"It's adjustable." I fixed my dress.

They started calling kids out.

I held Joe's hand,tight,he knows I'm going to cry,"Audrey Faith Jonas." They called out and we all hollered and clapped,I smiled and wiped my tears,"It's okay,babe." Joe patted my lap,"She was my first like I just had to yesterday." I sniffled.

Suddenly I heard crying,I couldn't help but to smile.

"One more push!" Doctor said and Demi pushed her final push.

"I'm proudly to introduce your beautiful girl." The doctor said and handle our child to Demi.

I couldn't believe I made it through this birth..I was hot and sweaty,but I didn't care. I was holding a beautiful baby girl.

She instantly stopped crying when I held her in my arms. I didn't want to let her go. "Babe,look." I smiled.

Joe kissed my forehead and looked at our baby girl. "She's gorgeous." Joe smiled.

"Mr.Jonas would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" the doctor suggested. "Yes please." The doctor said.(NLYG:Ch. 7)

"I want to tell you that you're precious baby girl is healthy and doing great." the nurse smiled.

I smiled big. "Yay! Thank you soo much." I smiled. "No we got the birth certifate ready..all we need is the baby's name." the  nurse smiled.

"Audrey Faith Jonas." I smiled. "Beautiful." The nurse smiled(NLYG:8)

I rocked Audrey slowly. She's one of the precious babies I have ever seen. Her eyes are already looking like Demi's. I kissed her softly forehead a few times.

She started crying. There was a badd stinch. I figured she pooped or something.

I carried her to her nursery. and layed her gently on the changing table and undid her clothing and threw away her dirty  diaper. "Girl,you can poop." I told her with a laugh.

I cleaned her up and put a clean diaper on her and kissed her soft belly. "I love you already." I smiled at Audrey as she took a grip of my fingers. (NLYG:8)

I walk into Audrey's bedroom,"Hello hun." I smiled and sat down in a chair."Hey daddy!" Audrey gave me a quick smile. "What do you wanna do today?" I smiled at her as picked her up and set her on my lap.

"Pawk." Audrey smiled,big. "The park?" I looked at her.

Audrey grew and she had Demi's gorgeous brown eyes and my dark brown curl hair,but she is starting to look alot like her mother,which I don't mine.

"Yeah,the pawk." she played with my hands as I laughed. "Okay,the park it is." I said as I changed her from her pajamas to her everyday clothing. I put her in a purple  floweryshirt and some matching pants and then I put some sandals on her feet.

"I looke petty." Audrey smiled at me. "Yeah,you look very pretty." I  kissed her forehead and carried her to my car and got her in her carseat,then  got in and I drove to the park.(NLYG:16)

I started pushing Audrey in the little baby swing seat. "Wee!!" She said out loud with a smile on her face. "You wanna go high?" I smiled at her. "Yes,daddy!" She clapped.

"Alright. Hang on." I smiled and I pulled the swing up high and let it go and she was flying.  She started screaming in excitement,which brought a smile onto my face.(NLYG:16)

"Tell me when you need to go potty." I smiled and fixed her hair."Why daddy?" She asked munching on her cereal."It's time to potty train you." I replied."No! I might dwown." She pleaded.

"You won't drown. I'll be right there." I kissed her cheek. "Weally?" She asked. "Really." I smiled.

"I love you daddy." Audrey told me with a big smile. "I love you more,princess!" I replied with a bigger smile. 

"You finished?" I asked her a few minutes later."Yes.Potty time!" she got herself up from the chair."Ladies and Gents,it's time for Audrey Faith Jonas to use the big girls potty!" I smirked and picked her up and headed to the bathroom,I put her down and put a potty training seat on the toilet seat.

"Okay now." I smiled and she just looked at me. "We got to get your pants off,sweetheart." I laughed and bent down and took off her pants and diaper and I sat her on the seat. I let go over her.

"DADDY!!" She screamed and I grabbed onto her hands."I'm not letting you go,I promise." I smiled.

It took us atleast 30 minutes."For now on,you tell me when you need to go." I kissed her cheek. "Alright daddy!" she agreed. "Hey,babe. What's up?" I sat down on the stool that was near me. I heard him sigh big. "Someone kidnapped Audrey.." he gulped out.

I stood up from my seats."WHAT!?" I could not believe what I was hearing. "Nick and I took Audrey to the beach and we took our shirts off and all the sudden she was gone. We searched for hours,couldn'f find her." Joe said.

"It's going to be okay." Joe pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead,"No...soon she's going to go off to college and she'll find her love,she'll get married,then she'll have babies,then her babies will have babies! Then those babies will have ba--"

"Whoa,babe's only going to be in 9th grade,calm down." Joe chuckled,I cried on his chest,

"I can't deal,baby..she was our first  baby..." I sniffled.

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