Chapter 15.

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The doctor plastered my stomach with jelly,we get to find the sex of the baby. The doctor started scanning my belly,"So what is it?" I asked,looking at the screen."Well congratulations,it's a girl." the doctor smiled,"Aw,omg! Yay!" I clapped,Joe smiled.

"So July 15 for your next appointmet be alright?" the doctor asked,"That'll be fine." I smiled as he wiped the gel off,"See you then!" he walked off,Joe smiled and kissed me. "Our first was a girl and now our last is a girl." he smiled,I smiled back and kissed him.

He helped me up, we headed to the car,"I wanna take you somewhere..before we get home.." Joe smiled and got in the car. "Oh...kay.." I got in,he started driving off somewhere.

He parked his car and I got out and held his hand,he walked me around,"This is beautiful." I looked around,smiling. He then stopped and got on one knee.

"Demetria,I know I made so many mistakes,but here is my promise..I promise to be there for you and love you through your good bad,I love to the moon and back..this is the promise to you that I will never ever hurt you anymore..Will you marry me?" he opened a box that had a 2.5 karrot princess cut  with 30 little diamonds around it,I smiled.

"Yes." I let him slip the ring on my finger,I hugged him tight and kissed his cheek. "Let's go home." he smiled and we got home. "Hey mommy! Hey daddy!!" Mason ran to us,"Hey Mase." I bent down and hugged him.

"Daddy,can we go swimming now?" Skyler came downstairs,"Sure,go get ready." Joe headed upstairs. I headed to the living room. I looked at my engagement ring and smiled.

"DADDY IS GOING TO GET US!!" Jacob ran to the backyard and jumped into the pool,along with the others,then Joe came running after them,shirtless and jumped into the pool. I giggled and headed to the backyard,I sat down,watching.

"AHH DADDY!!" Mason yelled,laughing as Joe had all the kids on top of him.

The house phone went off,I got up and answered,"Hello?" 

"Hey Demi,it's Denise." she sounded like she was crying,"Hey Denise...What's wrong?"

"Paul's in the hospital.." 

"Oh my god,what happened?" I sat down,

"He just had a stroke.." she said,"I'm so sorry.."

"The doctor said he might not make it..can I talk to Joe?" she asked,"Yeah of course." I headed to the back,"Joe.." I looked at him,"What is it?" he was laughing. "Your mom needs to talk to you.." I said,looking down,he looked at me. He got out,"Is everything okay?" he looked at me,I shrugged and handed the phone to him.

"Hey mom.." he headed inside,I sighed,"What? Is he going to be okay?" I heard him say,I sighed,"Is daddy goin to be okay?" Skyler looked at me,"Yeah.." I nodded.

"No..he can't...he needs to make it...I have another child coming...he has to meet" Joe broke down.

I sighed.


They're having another girl! lol


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