Chapter 1: Tim meet Katherine

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The hum of Gotham city has cut out from my clear glass window by the gentle patter of rain. I lay in the darkness in my bed room, the blurry neon lights barely able to split through the cracks of my curtains. My mind wide awake with blank thoughts. I rolled over across my sofa matress, my body laying directly in the middle of the overly large bed. Bringing my knees up to my chest, I held myself in a small cacoon of warmth that was oddly absent from the bed. The painful silence caused my brain wondered curiously, it started with simple thoughts of mine and Kylie's plans after work and Cameron's move to National city a few months ago. My mind replayed each event like a short film...though it somehow drove straight into old wounds. I sighed to myself as Jason came into my mind.

It had been a 2 years since the whole Jason...Red Hood situation. I heard nothing from him since he left me in the hospital room. Though I thought that I could catch quick glances of his shillotte from the corner of my eye, Last I heard, Jason had long since left Gotham, he had teamed up with a few more anti heroes, Arsenal or something?

A small tange of emotional pain stroked my ribcage, the...our relationship was left with no conclusion. No real goodbye or end. I sighed before shaking my head. Why was I thinking about this? He abandoned me. I didn't need to care about him anymore, as much as I might have wanted to a long time ago. Turning sharply again, I attempted to sleep once again, shutting my eyes I attempted to cut out the memories of him but failed. He didn't wish me goodbye, old dead feeling and questions lingered at the bottom of my stomach. I rolled on my side, my back, then back onto my side. The city lights gently shining against my skin. i couldn't help but curse as I slammed my arms down against the matress in a childish fashion. Suddenly a crash echoed from under my bed room door. The sound of glass falling against my wooden floor triggered the fight sense in my brian. My upper body lunged upwards, my heart almost running straight into my lungs. A great thud followed the crackling of glass, the small shards sweeping under the pressure of footsteps. 
Some one was in the apartment.

My brain jumped straight in action, my bare legs kicking off the thin cotton sheets. My bare feet lightly patted against the floor as I moved swiftly to the wooden base ball bat that leaned against my wall. Old paranoia had caused me to place it there, despite never having to use it, I thanked god that the anxitey had proved to be useful now. Gripping the leather bound handle I raised it up, it's thick wooden body resting on my shoulder. I moved slowly with the bat raised, my back pressed against the exposed brick wall. Creeping towards the door my left hand quietly twisted the cool rounded door knob. Opening it a cracked I peered out in to the dark living room. A caped figure pushed themselves up from my floor, the bright city light allowed me just to see their bold outline as they brushed off the tiny speckles of glass. My heart dropped to my stomach, my grip tightened on the bat as anderaline began to pulse through my viens. Before I could even gather a thought the figure briefly scanned the room. Casually they made their way towards my bed room door...towards me.

I pulled back, hoping they hadnt seen me, with my back firmly placed against the wall i took a quiet deep breathe. As the figure reached my bed room door I wasted no time to barge through the door, my hands swinging the bat as soon as I made my way through the door. The figure shot back in surprise, I grunted as I missed their head. The bat landing in the air before I pulled it back for another swing.
"Hey wait!" He yelled out as he jumped back, my bare feet ran after him, I swung the bat once again, the figure dogded deafly. I grunted as the wood slammed against my exposed brick wall.
"Katherine it's me! Tim!"
I swung again, this time I aimed for his ribs. It made into contact, he recoiled back, his feet stumbled against my Mom's old crimson rug. His body slipped down on to the ground. His eyes looked up at me with terror as I raised the bat above my head, ready to bring it down.

I stopped. My whole body froze, the only movement from me was my involitary violetly shaking hands. I frowned down at the figure, both of us paused in the darkness. His words slowly sinking into my brain.
"Robin?" I muttered, he hesitaly reached up to side lamp that rested on my cheap cabinet. With a quick click, the lamp turned on, illuminating the room. As the yellow tinted light spluttered to light, its glow flooded into the room I was greated with the great 'boy wonder'....other wise known as Tim Drake.
My shoulders sharply dropped as my heart still worked off the adrenaline, the bat now hanging loosely in my grip. Taking a sigh of relife I allowed my anxiety to fall away, only to find a sudden sense of anger quickly over take it. 
"For the love of God what do you thinking your doing?" I almost yelled, not bothering to hide my highly aggitated tone and expression.
"I needed to talk to you." He said, his voice slightly high in pitch, he was being defencesive. Lazily throwing my bat against the sofa, I lowered the my hand down to Tim. Offering him help up, it was the least I could do considering I had only heard about Tim but now I was swinging a bat around with the intention to knock his lights out. He smiled as his heavy gloved hand took ahold of mine. Pulling up some of his weight I helped the younger man up to his feet.
"Couldn't you have just used the phone?" I asked, frustration of the late night fight still bugging me.
"Couldn't. Jason cut me off." He said, I frowned before I could say anything he added "Jason blocked all commuincation from us to you, he was quiet further." 
"And just knocking on the door wasn't an option?"
Tim instantly pulled a face which made him realse why his plan of talking to me was a somewhat bad one.
"I suppose the whole bat family should try and break into my apartment at some point. Make a sport out of it." I chuckled darkly. 

I shifted to my bed room door, gently pushing it shut to protect the little privacy I had left.
"You got a nice swing there." He noted, his tone trying to make the awkward converstaion more casual but I shrugged off the younger boy's words. My taller structure clearly towering over his. I was in no mood to be joking around with him right now.
"Is there any particualr reason you wanted to talk Tim or you just on house calls?" I asked. My voice was agitated and tired, I simply wanted to get straight to the point. Tim's face dropped slightly, his expression turning more serious.
"Its Jason. He's missing."

My eyes widened, disbelief hitting my brain faster than a truck.
"What?" I stuttered out quietly.
"I lost contact with Jason after he left the country to follow a leed on something the Joker is up to. Bruce got worried and went after him and now he's gone missing too. I need your help."
"What do you need?"

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