Chapter 3: we meet again.

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My eyes still scanned the wide, dark caves with amazement. I had attempted to contain my excitement as I sat on Tim's worn leather chair, the needlessly large computer screen illuminated the thick metal plated floor. Tim had taken me to the bat cave as an extra 'safety measure' as he travelled to find Bruce and Jason. Knowing that my sudden involvement would cause heated arguements if he didn't play his cards right. My folded arms rested on the desk, it had been hours since I had been left to my own devices down here. Though the small medical bay to the left side of the cave was impressive, it was clear to me that Bruce and the others did not care for his health. The medical supplies were etheir expected to go out of date in a matter of days, already expired or just down right unuseable. As the memories of Jason flashed in my mind I realised that they probably didn't care, as long as it got the job done, who would care?

Pulling out my phone from my trouser pocket, I pressed against the flat screen. The time brightly showed off the time.
2:38 am.
I cursed.
Lazily setting the phone face down my fingers pushed up the skin etheier side of my face, the pale flesh being pushed from under my finger tips. Glancing beside me I could just see the cold cup of tea that had been left for me. I had still not touched the hot cup of tea Alfred had made for me. It didn't seem like the time to drink tea.

As my impaticence and anxiety grew I bit my tongue as my eyes looked back up at the screen, the small tracking dot ran across the pale blue map at a steady and painfully slow pace. He would proabably get there in another two, three hours.
"Hey still there?" I asked, pressing my fingers against the ear piece I had accidently left in. My tired brain needed something too focus on.
"Yeah." He said simply. "What's up?"
"How much danger do you think their in?" I asked. He paused, clearly thinking on my words.
"It's probably nothing, they've gone silent on mission before. I just want to be safe rather than sorry." He said. 

"Okay, thanks Tim." I said finally. Nodding to myself I left the conversation there. What was I worried about? I'm sure Jason was fine. He always was one tough guy when it came down to it.

"You worried?" He asked after a pause. I blinked, from his tone it almost didn't sound like a question.
"Kinda...Its fine. I'm fine." I said eventually, my words so fake, I was surprised Tim didn't pick up on it.  
"Alfred should have one of the rooms set up if you want to get some rest, it's probably going to take a while."
"That's sweet. Thanks Tim." I said before taking the ear piece out and setting it on the desk in front of me. I wanted to enjoy the silence in here for a while, my social energy bar running dangerously low. I groaned, not caring that my voice echoed and bounced around the cave walls. The back of my hands rubbed at the bags under my eyes, the abrupt awakening of Tim had left me somewhat sleep deprived. Though Tim's offer of a bed seemed more than tempting, I didn't want to leave this spot. All the possible negative situations ran through my brain. What if something happened? What if someone got hurt? Though there was most likely nothing I could do, I would rather now straight away than later. 

I let out a yawn, I folded my arms on the desk, my fore arms narrowly dodging the wide, expensive key board. My chin rested on the flesh of my arms, my eyelids getting heavy. Before I could stop myself from falling asleep, my mind was already switched off to black.

The continous quiet 'beep' of my heart beat entered my ringing ear drums.  My whole body felt weighted down to the somewhat comfortable hospital bed.

Where was I?

"J-Jason...." I uncontrollably whispered out. As my vision cleared I could see he was asleep, slumped in the uncomfortable hospital chair. My left hand slowly slid across the sheets towards his hand. I ignored the pain of the two broken fingers within my left hand.
As I reached his gloved hand he flinched awake. He took a deep breathe in as his icy blue eyes caught sight of me. I weakly smiled.
"Katherine...hey, you're awake" he said softly as Jason leaned in closer to me.
"How long have you been here?" I asked quietly. Silence fell between us as I felt a wave of peace hit my chest. I just wanted to see Jason. I just wanted to see him right now. Jason looked down at the ground for a second, almost as if he was nervous.

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