Chapter 11: Time matters

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The painkiller did the best job it could in numbing the pain of the light bruises and scraps as the cold air of the batcave bit away at my arms and back. It's sharp teeth even trying to get under the numerous little bangages and plasters that sat across my small wounds. My teeth tightly clamped down at the tips of my nails, the sole of my foot rapidly tapping against the grated floor. My eyes anxiously scanning the oversized screen, the slim jet black microphone fitted in my ear. It had been hours since I had heard anything from Bruce or Jason. Last time I had heard from them was that they had reached the location they thought that they had Kylie but that was all. Though Alfred had offered me food, drinks and even a bed to keep me occupied, with at least something. I had taken the offer of a shower and a fresh pair of clothes, but I refused anything else. Anxiety coiling around my brain, what if scenarios running through my brain. What if she wasn't there? What if something had gone wrong? I sighed, my hands falling onto my forehead. My nails now digging into my scalp.

This was all my fault.

"Katherine, you there?" Asked Jason's voice. I almost leaped from my seat, my slim fingers pressing against my ear piece.

"Y-yeah, I'm here." I said quickly. Taking pressure from the slim plastic button, I anxiously waited for some kind of new. Anything. "Is she okay? did you get her?"

"We've got her." he said finally, I didn't realise that I was holding my breath until I took a deep exhale. A weight was instantly lifted from my shoulders, my body slumped back in the leather bound chair. The palms of my hands pressed against my eyelids, tears whelming up in my eyes.

"Thank god." I whimpered out to myself, quickly sniffling my composure back. Clearing my throat, I composed myself. 

"Shaken up but she'll live." He said. I didn't realise that I was holding my breath until i finally exhaled, finally allowing my upper body to lean and uncoil onto the desk. I allowed the silence to fill the air for a momment, I didn't think I would be so happy to hear Jason's voice in so long. 

"Do you know when you'll be back?" I asked. Using my palms to rub off the thin layer of sweat and tired from my face. 

"3-4 hours. Hard to say." he paused. "Get some sleep while you can, you need it."

"Sorry Dad" I joked

"I'm serious. You looked like crap last time I saw you."


"Go, now." it wasn't a request.

I nodded. My hand rubbing tenderly across my lips, my brain no longer caring on how much longer I had to wait in anxiety. "Okay, I'll talk to you when you get back." I said finally before pulling the ear piece out. Not caring to carry the conversation forwards. Allowing me to sit in the silence, letting everything finally sink in. She was going to be okay, everything was okay. Smiling, I finally relaxed back into the chair. Patiently waiting for their return.

Despite the time I had remaining, I hadn't wanted to spend it sleeping. I doubt I would even be able to sleep if I had tried. I didn't care how tired and exhausted I was, I just wanted to stay awake. This seemed to be benefical as after what felt like forever passed, a weak and violently shaking Kylie tightly clung to a thick navy blue blanket that hung from her narrow shoulders. Her messy black hair hung over her pale face, her dark brown eyes were wide as she scanned the details of her bare feet. Bruce's gloved hand gently resting on the back of her shoulder, neither of them saying a word. Jason walked just a short distance behind them, his eyes scanning the ground in front of him.

"Kylie!" I yelled as I sharply rose from my seat, my voice echoing through the deep hollows of the Bat Cave. My feet ran across the cold, steel floor tiles of the Bat Cave, I could feel Jason and Bruce's eyes watch me as I ran towards them. Before Kylie could even look up, I slammed my body into her's, my arms coiling around Kylie's slim frame. I could feel every little shiver that pulsed out from her skin. I tightly gripped onto Kylie as she shook violently in my arms. Her hands tightly gripping onto the soft cotton blanket that engulfed her, I could feel her whimper in to my chest. Her cold, shocked guard falling to pieces. "It's's okay" I cooed to her. As I slowly looked up at Jason who stood bruised and worn behind us, his icy blue eyes lazily looking up to meet mine.

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