Chapter 2: investigations

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The cold winter air followed me as I sped walked into the loud hussle of the Gotham city hospital. Numerous patients and doctors flooded the halls, each one with their own problems. The loud wail of a baby echoing out of my eye sight. I had re-slipped on today's nurse uniform but didn't take off my thick leather motor cycle jacket as i re-entered my work. My crimson hands just poked out through the sleeves, I swiped a stray hair that clung to my sharp, freckled nose. Keeping my head down I moved through the hospital, it would be highly questionable for my extremely late return to the hospital after my shift. 

"Katherine, can you hear me?" Said Tim's voice from the small wireless ear piece that sat hidden by the mess that I called my thick brown hair.
"Loud and clear." I muttered quietly, my brain trying to fight the urge to press against the receiver. The aim was too look casual, even in Gotham some one with an obvious ear piece was suspious. I sharply turned the corner, hoping not to catch anyone's gaze whether it was a random pacitent or one of my friendly work friends.  

"Okay good, I'm going to need you to get to the terminal in the records department." He ordered. Despite us having alot of techincal advancements from Bruce Wayne's latest 'donation' we commonly still kept written records. Silently obeying the order, I shifting and slipped through to the other side of the building. Making my way through to the bare staff the back stairs way, I began to talk slightly louder. Knowing that no one commonly uses the stair way and it would allow me to talk to Tim. Even with the unnerving echo through the numerous floors, I wasn't going to miss take the opportunity to ask the burning questions in the back of my brain about the whole situation.
"Tell me again why you can't just do this? I mean, as much as I love the sound of your voice. Why me?" I asked out of curiosity, I heard Tim sigh as I quickly rushes down the plastic floor coated stairs. My hand hovering over the cool blue railing as I sped walked down the swirls of stairs.
"Before Jason left, he.... he wanted to make sure you were completely safe." Tim paused. Unsure on how to phrase his words, I allowed him to continue in my silence. I exited the hidden ground floor stair way. The long dank corridors were barely lit by the flickering yellow tinted lights. A few scattered doctors travelled up and down the corridor, files in their hands.
"Jason wanted to make sure that no one could find your files again. Including me and Bruce. I can't even get close to the hospital's archive system without the computer crashing. Even if I went undercover, he blocked my hardware out of the system"
I snickered. "Doesn't seem like a very Jason thing to do?" I muttered sarcastically as I turned yet another corner. A single wooden door at the end of a long hallway.
"Well...he did care about you." I heard Tim mutter to himself. I said nothing, I didn't know whether Tim had said that to make me feel some kind of guilt or not but reguardless, I felt a short burst of sadness ripple from my chest before I shoved it back down in order to stay focused. Entering the large record's room, I was greated with towering book vases worth of patient files over the past 10-20 years. Even for Gotham, the number of patient files was far too high, even superman didn't do this much damage.
Worming my way through the shelves, I found the slim computer system that sat at the back of the room.
"Okay, so now what?" I asked, my voice louder in the empty record room. As I pulled the old busted office chair out, I placed my body in. My fingers pulled the chair in closer to the desk. I could hear Tims fingers tap against the slim keys of a keyboard on his side,
"The hospital should have records on patients that have been transferred to other hospital right?" He asked, I nodded to no one.
"Yeah, it's protocol that we send a copy of any files to the new hospital and keep a copy as back up." I explained.
"I need you to access the file on a patient known as 'Jack Napier' he was possibly transferred to a hospital aboard."
"Got it."
Quickly logining in to my account, I swiftly worked my way through the electronic records system. Typing in the unfamiliar name into the system, a single restricted file appeared.
I cursed aloud.
"What?" Tim asked.
"Files restricted. I'm gonna need a doctor's authorisation code. Sorry Tim."

"Katherine?" Kylie's voice asked from behind me, I flinched. Sharply turning in my seat. My eyes wide with shock, Kylie stood with documents craddled in her arms, her hair was tightly tied back into a messy bun. A long white coat hanging off her short, curvy structure, a thin file hung in her hands. Having decided last minute that nursing was not particualry the best fincial options, she had changed course to be a full time doctor. I was as surpirsed as Cameron was at the sudden and some how successful change so late within the training process. 

"Kylie! Hi!" I busted out with quickly, unsure of how to react to my closest friend catching me in the act of snooping. She peered briefly around the corners around me, possibly to see what I was doing or if anyone was with me.
"Who were you talking to?" She asked suspiously as she approached me. Clearly she had heard me talking to Tim. 
"No one." I stuttered slightly, I cleared my throat quickly. Snapping out of my nervous nature. Her eyes squinted slightly, her thin brow creased into a frown.
"What are you doing? Your shift ended hours ago" She asked, her voice hitched in tone. "You need to get some sleep." 
"Sorry, I just needed to gain access to a patients file." I explained briefly. She peered over my shoulder, I did nothing to protest as she approached the computer.
"Jack Napier? Why are you looking up this guy?" She asked, turning her attention to me.
I coughed nervously. "Doctor Jones wanted them." I lied
"Doctor Jones retired a month ago."
"You're a bad liar" I heard Tim remark from my ear piece, I wanted to snap something back but forced myself to stare straight at Kylie. I said nothing, a smirk rose up on her face. A sleeping look twinkled in her eyes, her brow raised.
"Promise to tell me if I let you use my Login?"
I hesitantly shrugged, my expression stinking of defeat "Might do, it depends if you get me drunk" I joked, my voice not fully convicing. She smirked

"I am going to get you so messed up" She teased. A smile plastered on her lips as she approached, not waiting for me to move out of the chair she leaned over me. Typing in her freshly acquired doctor's login the information finally flashed up on the screen.

"Okay, there you go. Jack Napier's information." She said as she leaned back from me, her hands displaying the information on the screen.
"Thank you." I chimed to her as she swiftly moved behind me.
"If I get into trouble, I swear-" she began, her voice quickly going cold but I cut her off before she could finish her threat.
"You're not! I promise" I accidentally exclaimed, she nodded, her expression clearly showing her waryness towards my behaviour. But before anything else could be said, she turned on her heels, drifting off to her original task. I turned on the chair, my eyes scanning the thin lines of text across the screen. "Okay Tim what am I looking for?" I asked, quietly hoping Kylie wouldn't hear me.

"Anything that could give us a Location, does it say his current address?" He asked. I nodded but didn't answer. After a few seconds of silent scrolling I managed to locate the small transfer attachment.

"Huh?" my quiet assumtion slipping from my lips.
"What?" Tim asked quickly, his voice sharp to know.
"Jack wasn't a patient, he was a supplier. Looks like he gave Gotham Hospitals drug and blood donations and of the sort." I explained.
"Does it say where he transferred the stock from?"
I scanned through the text again, hoping to find the relevant information. I bit my bottom lip as I meet the end of the pages, I smiled to myself as the location appeared at the corner of the page.
"Just off the coast of Moscow, but we've never taken shipments from Moscow. All our shipments come from National city."
"I guess I know where I'm going." Tim said cheerfully.

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