Chapter 15: Paris is nice this time of year

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"TELL ME HIS NAME!" Black Mask yelled at the top of his lungs, my face recoiled against my shoulder despite the numbing pain across my muscles. Dried and fresh blood stained my pale skin, my breathe short and quivering. He had been at it for hours, no sign of him giving up any time soon. 

"NO!" I screamed back, despite my hands being bond behind my back, I could feel them shake violently. My left hand tightly clenching my three broken fingers, I couldn't help but cry out as his gloved hand tightly gripped onto the dark, messy hair on my scalp. Forcing my head to look at his dark mask. His gloved hand twirled the box cutter in his free gloved hand, I forced my lips shut.

"You're testing my patince..." he dragged out his words, almost like he was finding plessure in this."Tell. me." He said coldly, lurching my head as far forwards as it could, i spat the pooled salvia at his mask. Recoiling back in disgust, he let go of my hair. Using the back of his hand it wiped it away. Enraged, he violently pulled my hair back before plunging the blade into my thigh. The unbareable pain became too much, I screamed out in pain. Fresh, hot blood pooling out of the wound. Black Mask lingered the blade in my flesh. Everything burned, i could feel my vision begining to fade. 



I lurched awake, sweat rolling off my forehead. The thin cotton sheets sticking to my skin, my eyes darted around the dark room in a short burst of panic before realising where I was. That's right....I was in the safe house. I was safe.

I didn't realise how fast my heart was beating until I finally exhaled. The cold air of the room turned my sweat cold, my palm rubbed the goosebumps on my upper arm. Shifting in my sheets, Kylie's voice softly broke through the air. 

"Katherine?" Kylie asked groggily, her body laying just beside me. Turning my gaze to her, I saw her sleepy eyes looking back at me. She looked like she had been awake for a short while but she was still sleepy enough to have her eyelids appear heavy. Confusion written across her whole expression. I smiled sadly. 

"I'm okay Kylie...did i wake you?" I asked, my fingers roughly pushing my knocked hair away from my face. I had forgotten that she hadn't wanted to be left alone even when she was asleep. She paused, the room quickly filling with silence. I frowned at the pause. Her slim body shifted to better sit up in  the bed. 

"You were screaming" She said simply, her voice pretty casual. My eyes widened, a night terror? it had been months since I had one. I could feel that hitch of guilt in my throat, Kylie must have freaked out to hear me abruptly scream like that. 

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." I stuttered out, guilt gripping my chest now.

"It's okay." her voice sounded slightly muted, her finger tips rubbing her temple tenderly, lowering her hand she stared at me for a momment. I couldn't help but let out a sigh. 

"J-just go back to sleep..." I said finally. Feeling the dry swollening of my throat, I swung my short pale legs over the side of the bed. Kylie's spine abruptly lurched upwards, her hand tightly gripping on to my arm before I could stand. I ignored the small stinging pain in my wrist as I turned back to Kylie, her eyes wide with fear.

"Where are you going?!" She asked, her voice striken with sharp fear. Setting my hand gently down onto her's I gave her a comforting smile, if I didn't deal with this correctly, she could have a phobia of being alone. 

"I-I...I just need some water." I said calmly, her grip loosened before finally letting go entirely. Her expression still unsure of what i had said "I'm not going far, promise". With slight reasurance, she set her fragile frame back down on to the bed. Finally able to stand, I tried my best to quietly step out of the dark room.  

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