Chapter 13: Getting around to talking

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"Help me? YOU LEFT ME!" I yelled. His eyes widened in shock as he felt my pain filled words. He frowned, his lips parted slightly. He took a step closer to me, his body lanuage clearly ready for confrontation. 

"What are you talking about now?" he snarled in a low voice. 

I couldn't help but snicker, the attitude in his voice aggitating me "I would have thought that without that helmet of your maybe your head would be less dense." He came close to my face, i could almost feel his breath on my face. Clearly he was trying to be intimidating but failed. I glared up at him, all self restraint had flown off the roof top a long time ago. "That night, two years ago. After you rescued me, you left me in that hospital. no good bye. no reason as to why you were leaving. Nothing."

 "You think I wanted that! I had no choice but to leave!" He snapped sharply. 

"Don't give me that crap!" I could smell the lies in that statement a mile away. "If you had no choice you would have told me! You would have told me when I woke up!" He didn't break his stance against me, I held upself up as strongly as I could. I wouldn't back down to him. Growing impaticent, my palms slammed against his chest, suprised he stumbled back a step but quickly regained his balance.  "Why did you leave me? Did I just mean nothing to you?". He looked at my expression, i could see his eye flicker to inspect every inch of my face. Before he could open his mouth I slammed my palms against his armoured chest again, this time he didn't stumble back. The pain that he had caused me two years ago was in full view in front of him, the anger and pain that we hadn't faced had reached it's breaking point. He tightly gripped onto my wrists stopping me from hitting him again.  "Tell me!" 

"Of course not! You meant everything to me!" He snapped finally. I looked directly into his icy blue eyes, a layer of sincerity and sadness glazed over them. "I've always regretted leaving you. It was a mistake, I'm sorry."  He said, his voice was coated in sincerity. With each word, the tense slowly lowered until the anger turned into bitter sadness. My teeth gripped onto my lower lip for a momment as I nodded. My throat felt as if it was closing up, one question still lingered in my brain.

"Then why didn't you come back?" I muttered out, my voice croaking out the words...I was getting emotional. Tears were starting to blur my vision. He paused, even he was struggling with the words. Though he wasn't a weeping mess like me. 

"I thought....that if I left you, then you could try have a normal life." he said. 

I snickered. "Ever since you entered my life it's never been normal..." I said quietly."You thought I could go back to a normal life after THAT?!" I couldn't help it. My voice rose until it's sharp word scratched at my throat. "I needed you. I was tortured...for days. I wanted to die. I was hoping that maybe black mask would kill me, just so the pain would stop. I needed you after that...The one time I wanted you...needed you to stay. You left me."

shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up.

Jason looked rightfully stung by my words. "I'm sorry." Was all he could say. His grip slowly loosened on my wrists until my arms fell to my side. We allowed the silence to fill the air. The brisk winter air scratching at my skin, he contuined to pace with the direction of the wind. The smell of the thick car's gas tanks drifting up to the room, the low hum of the city acheing my ears. 

"So....what does that mean for us?" I said eventually 

"I don't know" he muttered. I raised my brow, i couldn't help but let out a small sniffle. I wasn't sure if it was from the cold finally getting to me or whether it was the tears trying to make their way out from my tear line. 

"You don't know?" I asked "Usually you at least have some kind of whitty response to me." despite each word shattering after falling off my tongue, i tried and failed to lighten the mood. His teeth tenderly bit his lower lip, thoughts clearly rattleing through his brain.

"I would usually have one but you see...since I've never stopped looking after you...watching you. I've never stopped-" He admitted finally, the words struggling to come out. It felt as though he was scared to say them. If saying them would make it real and if it was real then there would be something to lose. My hands went up to my scalp, my nails scraping against the roots of my hair. I let out a whimpered sigh, turning my body away from Jason. He still had feelings for me, the unanswered longing i had felt for two years was finally answered. Tears were flooding down my cheeks, my pale skin was tinted with crimson. I turned away, my back completely on display to him. 

" too" once the words slipped from my tongue I allowed my self to completely break down. I whimpered to myself, tears completely destroying my whole vision. The sound of distance police sirens stopped me hearing Jason's foot steps hesiantly approaching towards me. I flinched under his arms as they coiled around me but I didn't move them away. I allowed his warmth to engulf me, despite my arms being trapped just above my stomach I let his gloved hands grip tightly into my sides. 

"I'll never leave you again." He said "I'm here." his chin pressed against my narrow shoulder. Feeling me shift, with his arms still wrapped around me he allowed me to turn. Coiling my arms around his waist, I pulled myself close to him. Slowly pressing my cold lips against his, he didn't pull back. With tears still streaming down my face, i felt him sink deeper into my kiss. I could feel his palms press the base of my spine pulling me closer. 

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