Chapter 18: Prawns and phone calls

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The brisk cool air gently stroked the leather of my motorcycle jacket, the greasy but rich smell of frying street food filled my nose, chewing on the Korean fried prawns I sat against the side of my motorbike. A gently chatter filled the open, wide streets of Gotham. Despite it being 1am, the city was still just as loud and bustling as ever. The bright lights of the city engulfing the whole street. Though dangerous, I thought that perhaps standing outside of this crowded street corner was safe enough. I could hesitantly get on my motorcycle if I needed to and being around people would help...I just couldn't take it any longer in that house. I hadn't heard from Jason in days, coming from work, I had decided to take a step away from the entrapment of the Wayne was getting too...close.

too trapped

"You done yet?" Tim's voice echoed into my ear, the small invisible ear piece firmly placed in my ear drum. I rolled my eyes to myself. Glancing over to the towering buildings that surrounded me, knowing I wouldn't see him I tried and wondered to subtle see where he was perched. I shook my head.

"Nope!" I happily smirked to myself as I shoved another mouth full of food into my mouth. Tim had decided to watch over me from a distance while I had decided to get some food. Though it was a battle to encourage him to let me go...I needed to get out.

"The food that good huh?" he asked.

"You want me to get you some?" I asked as I turned my gaze back to the stall, it still busy but wouldn't hurt to get another meal or too.

"Nah I'm good." he chuckled.

"Your loss, it's pretty good"

"Couldn't you just have ordered this at home?" Tim asked, I could hear the slight annoyance in his voice. I ignored the tang of guilt that ached me for a split second.

"I needed to get out of there Tim...I was going to go insane." I said grimly. He paused for a moment.

"I get it. It can be hard in there." He said, it clear his voice trying to show me just a slip of empathy. I nodded to myself, I poked the food in the Styrofoam packaging with my plastic fork. My appetite slowly slipping away from me. Silence grew between us. "Well-" Tim's voice began but suddenly his voice was cut off. I frowned, tapping against the earpiece. I frowned.

"Tim?" I quietly asked to silence. "Tim? you there?" I repeated again but I was greeted with silence. Maybe he saw something that needed his attention, maybe someone needed help. It's okay...he wouldn't just leave you, I told myself over and over again. Clenching my jaw, I desperately tried to lower to growing pace of my heart. Suddenly the abruptly loud ringtone ripped through the air, taking my attention. Trying my best to balance my food on my denim jeans as I reached the back pocket of my jeans. Tapping the screen on, an unavailable number looked up at me. Swallowing the food remaining in my mouth, I accepted the call. Hesitantly pressing it against my ear I was greeted with a small pause of silence. "Hello?" I quiet whispered quietly.

"Katherine! Where are you?" Jason's voice boomed down my ears, relief washed over me. Taking a deep breath, I glanced behind me, making sure no one was listening to me. "Katherine, where are you?! Are you there?" his voice was loud and panicked. Each word being flung at me at 100mphs.

"Jason, calm down I'm at some Korean take out place. Tim was with me" I said, my voice trying to be as calm as possible. Jason's panicked tone slowly creeping anxiety into my chest. My shoulders tensed as I realised his anxiety with me out alone.

"Thank god." He breathed a sigh of relief. "We were tricked, he wanted us out of Gotham. I don't know if he knows where you are."

Panic filled my chest. The joker wanted this? He wanted Jason away from me? Was this all a part of his plan?

"Wait. What about Kylie? Does he know where they are?" I stuttered out, my voice trying to get every question out at once. Jason was silent for a moment, clearly trying to think on how to answer me.

"I don't know...Katherine, don't go back there. It's not safe." He answered.

"Jason, if he knows where the safe house is then, I need to know she's okay."

"Katherine-" I hung up. I didn't care about his words, I needed to get back. Quickly dropping the food to the curb, I straddled my bike. Not caring that small pieces of vegetables clinging to my boots. My fingers fumbled with my keys for a moment before roaring my bike to life. Before I could kick away the brake, my ringtone broke through the air again. Getting it out, I expected to see Jason's hidden number but was greeted with Kylie's ID. My fingers fumbled over themselves in order to answer, I slammed the cold screen against my ear.

"Kylie? Kylie can you hear me?" I asked, desperate to hear her voice.

"Hello Katherine." A richly sick voice echoed through the phone. My heart sunk to my stomach. A loud laughter piercing through my ear drums. He....he was there.

"Where's Kylie?" I said, my voice trying its best to stay firm and emotionless but failed. My fear taking a hold of me completely, I NEEDED to know she was okay. She NEEDED to be safe.

"She's...well we're just having a little fun with some friends of mine." The Joker said. I hear a faint scream slip out, raw anger and fear jumped to my throat.

"Don't touch her!" I snapped. My hands tightly gripping onto my phone as if it was her lifeline.

"Well then, come join us. Wouldn't want her to have all the fun!"

"KATHERINE!" Kylie screamed, her voice clearly a distance away from the phone. My heart sunk deeper into my stomach, the level of pain being unbearable.

Before I could say anything else the line went dead. My hands shook violently as I pulled the phone away from my ear. 

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