Chapter 7: unpleasant conversations

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"Red!" I yelled from the roof top of the hospital. The cold night sky barely showing any of the small glimmering stars. Kylie stood lazily beside me, her eyes scanning the dark winter night skies. Her arms casually strung by her sides, unsure of how to hold herself. "Red! We need to talk!"
"Katherine, we don't know he'll come. Let's just get back inside." She said deafetably, small clouds of mist escaping her lips. Nothing but the dark city buzz of Gotham answered me, I shook my head as my eyes continued to scan.
"He'll come." I nodded to myself, my eyes not taken off of the sky. "Believe me I wouldn't be doing this if I had another way."
I had no clear, quick way of contacting Jason, Tim or Bruce. My phone never seemed to go through when trying to call. I had assumed due to my most recent involvement he would be watching me. No, I knew he was watching me. He had to be.
Please let me be right about this.
"Katherine as much as I am wanting to meet your ex-boyfriend, screaming his name from the roof top is not helpful."
"Kylie, we weren't-" I cut myself off, my mind not wanting to say it's complicated. "You wanted to help, now keep an eye out....Red!"
No response. My tongue pressed against the inside of my lip as my impatience grew tired. "I know your there! I'm not going to keep yelling like a idiot! Get down here!"
"Katherine-" Suddenly the faint tap of Jason's boots landing on the roof echoed out behind me, I turned, my arms holding in the warmth around my stomach.
"Who's she?" Jason asked, his dark familiar voice distorted to a unnatural sound from under the hood. That was new....

Kylie turned sharply, her lips holding back a surprised yelp. Seeing that she was closer to Jason, she rushed behind me. Her shoulders slightly hunched up to her cheeks. "A friend." I said coldly, my body took a strong stance, protecting her from threat. She stood nervously a short distance from me, her eyes not sure where to look.
"Can you trust her?" He asked coldly.
"She wouldn't be here if I didn't."
"So. What do you want?" He asked.
He approached without saying a word, his crimson helmet reflecting my expression. He glanced at Kylie but quickly turned back to me and kept his eyes on me. As the uncomfortable silence built, I cleared my throat, un sure on how to start the conversation. "Alot of patients died of a heart attack in the past couple of hours. From what we've gathered it's because of the latest blood parcels we have. I think..." my words faded out, he got the idea. My hand presented a plastic litre packet of cool blood, the thick liquid feeling uncomfortable in my hands. He stared at it for a second before his gloved hand reached up and took it. He twisted it, something in his mask telling him what I had just handed him. Lowering it to his side he turned back to me, 

"What makes you think I need to know this?"

"You know of many heart attack patients die laughing?"
I could almost see his expression change under the mask. He paused, unsure of how to respond with Kylie present.
"how long since the victims died?" He asked. I glanced at Kylie for help, but her eyes were locked on to her small wrist watch.
"About an hour or 2." Kylie said down to her watch, not wanting to risk and eye contact. Her voice still hushed and low.
"Anything else I should know?" He asked me. His helmet still directly pointed at me.
I shook my head. "You know as much as we do."
I could feel Kylie's eyes burn into the back of my skull, Jason attached the blood to the back of his thick army belt. Once doing so, his gloved index finger pointed at my chest.
"Good. Stay out of it." He said bluntly before pulling out his small grappling hook, before Kylie and I could say anything else he fired and gracefully swung himself off the roof top. His body quickly being swallowed up by the darkness. I stood there for a couple of seconds, just staring at where I had last seen him.
"Was that seriously your ex boyfriend?" She breathed out quietly, I turned my head to look at her, now that Jason had gone she stood by my side. Her wide eyes watching the city like me. I nodded slowly.
"Yep." I breathed out, my lips popping the p.
"Is he always that intense?" She asked
"Nah. He's just a big old teddy bear once you get to know him."

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