Chapter 4: Can we talk?

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"Can we talk?"
I sighed. I didn't spin on the small leather bound stool as Jason still stood directly behind me. His body lazily leaning against the iron railing. I continued with my work, without saying a word. My eyes glued down to my careful handy work. Despite no one saying a word, I could feel the tension of the conversation setting into the cold stale air, i shifted nervously in my seat as i grew uncomfortable from all the gazes falling on to me. I tried my best to ignore it all as I took my time working. Once it had been completed my eyes looked up at Bruce as he stared emotionlessly in the distance. Clearly he didn't want to get involved with this, I could blame him if I was being honest.
"You should be able to walk on this in a couple hours but it's not going to fully heal for at least a week, just try to relax for now." I ordered, Bruce didn't say a word, he simply nodded. He swiftly left the medical bay, he didn't even grunt as he pushed himself off the black steel table and down the slim metal stairs. I was unsure of whether he would actually follow my advice or simly ignore my words. I still sat froze, facing away from Jason. I didn't internally turn, I sat on the stool. My lungs taking a deep breathe in, my brain preparing to face Jason. This was the first time we would have talked since he left me...since he abandoned me. "It depends on what you have to say." I said slowly, finally answering him, my voice not eternally convincingly showing my strength. He didn't get to see me as weak, he had once before two years ago but now...I wouldn't let that happen again. I stood but kept my head down and began to pack away the medical supplies that I had taken out from the numerous little cupboards and drawers. My eyes trying to avoid his as best I could. Each step I took, was dodging were Jason stood. It was within that second that the silence of the cave dawned on me, everyone but me and Jason had since left the bat cave.
"Come on Katherine, don't act like that" Jason began. I didn't look up at him, i swiftly worked, I couldn't help but bring myself to look at him.
"Act like what?" I scoffed, my brow raised. 
"That. You shutting down, not talking to me." He said, his index finger pointing at me as though it was a clear figure on my body. I shook my head, I almost wanted to chuckle at the nerve of him.
"Seriously? You want to start the conversation like this?" I began my body finally turning to him, my right hand firmly placed on my hip. "I haven't seen or heard from you since you left me. You want to talk? Talk."  My gaze void of any relfie or joy that he was okay. He paused, he was now fully aware of my anger towards the situation he had put me in. He sighed, before pausing. Clearly re-thinking his strategy.
He evenutally shook his head to himself "Okay, okay" he muttered before speaking up "Tim wasn't suppose to involve you with this. Thanks for everything that you've done but..." his words droned on, I could already tell where his sentence was going. I closed my eyes for a second, my fingers gripped the bridge of my nose.
"You want me you leave." I finished, can't say I wasn't surpirsed "Figured as much." I muttered under my breath. Once again he was out of my life. Though this was the first time he was saying this to me.  Finishing my packing of the medical supplies neatly in the drawers, I could feel Jason's eyes watching me as i did so. "Just make sure that you guys don't make a sport out of breaking into my apartment." I remarked, my eyes glancing at him from the corner of my eyes. Jason's expression was chilled, I could barely read whether he was angered or shocked from the scars poking out from my collar.

"Yeah don't worry about that, it won't happen again." His voice completely void of any emotion. "Go back to having a normal life. Just pretend like none of this ever happened." He said, he turned as if that was the end of the conversation and I had no choice in the matter. I honestly believe that he thought that too. A tug of anger pulled at my ribs as he turned on his heel. With his back completely to me, a soft tch escaped through my clenched teeth. He stopped just as his feet touched the second step, looking over his shoulder our eyes finally met.

"Wow" I muttered to myself. "You act like I haven't already tried that. You think I don't want that?" My ears regretting the words as soon as I had said them. I looked down at my hands in shame, my lips firmly placed together. Why did I have to say that? Even I knew that was too far...those words made it seem as though I regretted every bit of our experiance we had two years ago, I didn't. I resented that he abandoned me. That's all. Jason turned away, my eyes burned into the back of his skull. His broad shoulders completely stiffened. 
"I'm sorry...I shouldn't have said that, I-" my voice quietly slipped out but evenutally cut myself off.
He paused, I could see he turn his head slightly to look at me from the corner of his eye. To judge my expression.
He said nothing. I didn't stop him as he walked off somewhere deeper into the batcave. He had every right to be mad at me. My head fell into my hands.
That could have gone better.

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