Chapter 19: Time to go

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I didn't care for my safety as I hazardlessly drove my motorcycle through the broken gates of the safe house, numerous neon graffitied vans sat vacant in the driveway. Sharply skidding my motorbike to a stop, I didn't bother to turn off the engine as I strode through the darkness towards the place I had once called a safe house. Slipping my phone un the base of my jeans, my belt strapped it in place against my cold skin. I was angry but I couldn't be stupid. I pulled my shirt and jacket over it, hiding it. Kylie needed to get out of this as soon as possible, I reminded myself as I charged up the cobble stair way. Clumsily and lazily, I slipped my sleek black motorbike off. My bare hands tightly still gripping on the jaw of the helmet. My eyes widened as I was met with the completely obliterated entrance way of the safehouse, the once pristine marble floors and oak walls were riddled with bullet holes and spray paints. Through the small sea of henchmen, the joker stood in the centre taking in his handy work. But No Kylie, No Tim, No Alfred. I swallowed my fear and let the burning anger come through. clenching my fists, I mentally prepared to rip out his throat if I found a single mark on Kylie.

"Where is she?" I snapped as I charged through the gaping hole that was once a doorway. All the eyes of the room turned to me as my heavy, quick footsteps came in. Throwing my helmet to his feet, the joker turned on his heel to face me. The helmet's clatter being barely audible over the thundering sound of destruction. His distorted face pulled in an overdramatic grin, his eyes settling on to me like I was some kind of fresh meat.

"Ho, ho, ho, why our guest of honour has finally arrived." he chuckled. I tried to hide my violently trembling knees by gritting my teeth and clenched fists. I stopped once two of his clown masked goons tightly gripped on to my forearms, halting me in place. I struggled but failed to get their grips off of me.

"I swear to god if you've hurt her!" I screamed as I tried and failed to lunge at him. Stepping closer, the joker's unsettling envy eyes took in my face. I recoiled as his face came close to mine. I could almost smell the bitter copper smell on his yellowed teeth, his breathe almost stroking my face. He silently watched me for a moment, his eyes not moving from mine. For what felt like forever, he scanned my face. The anger I had once had slowly began to dwindle the longer he stared. The only sound that filled the air was unseen goons smashing glass in unseen rooms and the low crack of doors being forced open.

"Calm that little head of your' s, she's fine for now." He said finally, straightening his spine like he was some kind of businessman.

"Where is she?!" I screamed again. I felt a sudden tighter grip on my arms as I tried to lurch forward, I was violently tugged back. My boots barely able to stay up right. With a swift wave of his left hand, a few silent henchmen charged off in the direction of the kitchen. For what felt like forever, we waited impatiently. Finally, they pulled three almost completely lifeless figures in by under their armpits. My eyes locked on to Tim's, his Robin identity protecting his, but he was almost beaten to pulp. The left side of his face was almost completely swollen and turning a deep purple.

"Oh my god" I muttered under my breath to myself as I finally registered the exposed bone poking out of his tall leather gloves. I heard Kylie's ear-piercing scream before she was finally dragged into the room. Her legs violently but clumsily kicking in every direction but failed to get any weight under her. She fell silent as they threw her body down to the Joker's dark purple pointed leather shoes, the bodies of Alfred and Tim followed shortly after her. Both lay unconscious, Tim's blood already polling under him. I gulped as Kylie's shaking; fear filled eyes locked on to me. I wasn't sure if she was scared for me or the still fresh wounds being reopened by the Joker.

"Now, Katherine. We can do this in two ways, you can have some fun with us or...we can drag you out of here by your scalp." The Joker smoothly turned on his heel to me with another swift click of his gloved hands. Suddenly, the thugs who had dragged in their beaten victims grabbed onto anything they could get a hold of. It felt as though my heart shattered in my rib cage as I heard Kylie scream again, the thug's knife aiming for the flesh on her neck.

"STOP!" I screamed. My voice almost silencing the entire safe house. I didn't think the Joker's twisted smile could get wider, but I was wrong. His gaze piercing straight through me. "I'll go with you." I said, finally and swiftly pulling my arms from the tight grasps "When all of your goons leave. I'll leave with you." I said firmly "I want to know they'll be left alone when we leave."

"Then you have my word." he said with a bow.

"Katherine don't go. He's going to kill you." Kylie whimpered to me quietly, I could barely give her a glance as I tried to straighten my spine. I didn't respond.

Joker's eyes scanned over my whole body, I tried to hide my discomforted squirm. My tongue felt heavy in my mouth as he slowly approached me, his straighten spine and folded hands made him seem like a twisted version of a gentleman. His body came so close to mine, I could finally see his crooked yellow teeth, the small tears in his dusty pin stripped suit and the rotten smell of old roses invaded my nose. I flinched as he gently pulled the earpiece from my ear. Clenching my fists, I could feel my whole body begin to shake. Toying with the small black piece in the white gloves for a moment before crushing it. "We don't want any.... interruptions" he said playfully.

"Make...them...leave" I spat. Rolling his eyes up to heaven he waved his men out. Each one silently walked out; it took a matter of seconds before I could hear the faint sound of the trucks roaring to life.

My eyes lingered onto Joker as I slowly approached Kylie, the joker watched me, his head tilting curiously as I did so. Kneeling down to her level, she tightly grasped onto me, her broken nails digging into my jacket. Mascara lined the lower eyelids of her frantic eyes, her voice kept hitching with small hiccups. "Katherine, don't g-go.... they'll kill you. Y-you can't" she shuttered out. Each word trying to get out as quick as possible.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey" I said quietly, my hands resting on to her narrow shoulders. "He'll find me" I said, glancing down to my belt. I hoped her eyes would follow mine and get the message. Before I could say anything else, the Joker's voice brought me out of our conversation. Turning my head away and I realised it was us left in the entrance way.

"Our chariot awaits"

"I'll be okay." I said, hoping my emotionless tone would keep her calm but tears were being to brimming in the waterline of her eyes. I could hear her begin to whimper. Fighting her weak grasp, I bitterly stood up. Still too weak to put up any fight, she started to cry.

"Katherine.... no." She whispered so quietly I wasn't sure if that's what she had said.

"Time to go." He said happily, reaching his side he rested his hand on my waist. Repulsed, I squirmed under his light touch. I prayed that he couldn't feel the phone hidden under my belt.

"KATHERINE!" Kylie screamed as we entered into the darkness of the night. 

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