Chapter 21: Find me...

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"There's a road going out of town. I'm sending you the coordinates now." Tim's voice spoke into Jason's ear.

"On it!" He replied, within seconds the map flashing across the vision in his deep crimson helmet.

Without any hesitation, Jason fully charged down the dark road dark sleek road. The roaring sound of his motorbike filling the air. The edge of Gotham hills and thick forest covering the faint lights of Gotham city. The faint map that covered Jason's left icy blue eye; he approached the small red dot that showed Katherine location. As he sharply rounded the corner, the rubber tires let out a loud, high pitched screech. The motorbike quickly bolted; Jason's eyes widened as a set of large jet-black truck sat on it's backs. Flames sending smoke straight into the jet-black night sky, masking the stars.

"Katherine!!" Jason yelled out only to be met with his own echo. Without even putting his motorbike in park, he stepped off it. It's heavy metal body collapsed to the ground with a thud. He charged towards the flames; panic set deep into his brain. Barely any of the glass windows stood strong, small crystals covered the ground. Each step he took, a crunch and crack of a shard of glass followed him. the metal skeleton of the once jet-black trucks could barely stand on its own. "No, no, no, no, no, no" He muttered to himself over and over again the sense of fear growing ever more present. The tracker proudly telling him that as he approached the enflamed truck, she was inside. The small crimson dot on the map grew closer and closer towards the engulfed truck. Ignoring the goon's unconscious bodies that lay scattered he went straight up to the burning, flaming car.
"Katherine!" He called out again, his booming voice was met with the angry snap and pop of the flames. He peered through the broken car window, the thick black smoke clouding his vision. Bravely shooting his arm him he could feel the painful, intense heat. Feeling for anything that resembled a human, Jason's gloved hand brushed past a leather jacket. A slither of hope surged in his veins. Pulling it tightly he hoped Katherine's body would be attached.

Jason recoiled back as the roaring flames slammed against him. Jason sharply took a step back from the intense flames as Katherine's burnt leather jacket rested in his hands. The cell phone tracker loosely sticking out of her side pocket.
"No, no..." He muttered again, his feet stumbling back. The once intense heat become a gently glow against his skin Jason fell to his knees. His fists clenched tighter on the collar of the jacket; his head hung in grief.... he was too late. Again.



Jason wanted nothing more than to scream out in pain at the top of his lungs. He lingered on his knees, letting the cold run up his legs. Looking around helplessly, he slowly scooped himself up. His hands still loosely clinging on to the ember covered leather. Before he could take a step a sharp snap of a twig echoed out over the roaring flames. The jacket fell from his grip. Jason sharply turned as the rustling echoes at his side. Raising his gun, he was prepared to shoot who ever stepped out. Anger almost wanted him to squeeze the trigger and have it be done already.
"Step out" Jason ordered. Jason paused as Katherine stumbled through the branches, the leaves falling around her. Soot, slim cuts and bruises sat scattered on her face, bear arms and hands. Blood seeped through her jeans from a small scrape on her knees. Her hazel brown eyes squinted under the burning glow of the fire; a confused expression written on her face. Jason quickly lowered the gun taking a sigh of relief. His heart began to neat rapidly. She scanned the roadside blankly for a second, her mind trying to catch up with her. Katherine's eyes widened as she finally caught sight of Jason. Both stood there for a second, disbelief processing in their brains. Giving a weak smile she rushed towards him. Her legs stumbled over each other, her balance threatening to force her body to the ground.

"Jason!" Her voice croaked, though her voice was weak he could her the joy and relief spread through her. As she rushed to the edge of the jet-black concrete road Jason's legs ran towards her. He slammed his weight against her, his arms instantly coiled around her shoulders the second she was within reach. She stumbled back slightly. She just managed to keep her balance as her head rested on Jason's armoured chest. Her arms wrapped around his waist, Jason's thick armour restricting her embrace. Her damaged nails desperately clung to his leather jacket. He clenched hands, hiding the violent shaking against her spine. His strong arms squeezed her tightly, almost like he didn't want to let her go ever again.

"Thank God you're okay...I thought I'd lost you" He muttered, pulling her back slightly his eyes quickly scanned her face. His gloved hands tightly gripping her onto her upper arms, holding her up. She stared as she was torn from his embrace. "What happened? Where is he?" Jason asked, his voice angered and panicked. Katherine slowly placed her hand to her forehead, her fingers gently touching her skin. Her brain ran through current memories, a small frown lining her brow.

"I... I don't know. I can't really remember after I flipped the car... I think he got away." She muttered, her eyes scanning the wreckage. The burning flames putting a pale glow on the side of her dirtied face. As she turned back to him, she arched her eyebrow, he blinked out of his trance realising that he was staring.
"What?" She asked.
"You flipped the car?" Jason frowned; his eyebrow arched under his crimson helmet. She gave an expression that simply read, 'seriously?'.
"Why are you so surprised?" She asked, her voice croaked and quiet.
"I'm not.... just, you're a lot tougher than I remember" Jason smiled under his helmet, Katherine let out a scoff.
"I've always been tougher than you." She joked, a weak smirk at the corner of her lip. Attempting to take a step forwards her scrapped knee suddenly gave out beneath her. Her body collided with Jason's chest, in less than a blink of an eye Jason caught her body before her knees could fully buckle to the ground. His arms under her armpits, he looked down at her smaller weaker structure.
"Okay...maybe I need a little help, my legs are still shaken from the crash." She bitterly admitted. Without another word Jason bent down and scooped her fragile body up in his arms. Her arm slung over his broad shoulders; her eyes widened for a moment before she broke eye contact with Jason. A clearly embarrassed expression written across her face. Jason couldn't help but snicker to himself. His swift motion too quick for her rattled brain. Taken back for a second, she stared at the familiar crimson helmet. She gave him a small shy smile, "Thanks..." She muttered under her breathe. She could almost feel her heartbeat in her ears, her dirtied pale skin turning dark crimson. 


Hey guys! so fun fact this chapter was one of the last ones i had written in great detail/had pretty much written in full before i dissapeared. I remember reading it when I came and feeling like I was seeing my characters again (well techinally Katherine but you get my drift lmao)

Anyway, I just wanted to come on and say thank you again for the support. It honestly warms my heart to see you reacting and telling me your opinions. I really love you all :) thank you for standing by my side. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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