Chapter 12: Filling in the blanks

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The fresh night's sky started to approach as I took my time walking down the hospital's hallway. Despite it having been 3 days since the whole incident with Kylie, work seemed to be progressing as normal. Well, normal considering the circumstances.

I didn't want to leave Kylie alone in the Wayne mansion. In truth, I had wanted to be by her side until she had recovered completely. But knowing that she would be safer at Wayne manor and that there would be little I could do as most of the damage was more mental than phyiscal, work was something i oddly needed. The last sense of normality i had.

Kylie would be safe, she was safe.

I glanced over to the clock on the wall. It gently ticked to no one.

9:30 pm

Time for my rounds of check up.

Changing my course of direction to the front desk, I thanked god that today was going to be filled with dull tasks. My mind was still racing from the past events, I wanted nothing more than to have a slow pace, dull night. Without bothering to greet to the two moody receptionist, I reached over the white washed desk to grab the slim stack of folders in my discarded files. My tongue pushed against the roof of my mouth as I glanced through all of the surface of each file, my feet restarting in it's slow journey. Shifting through the numerous slim folders that hung in my arms, I came across the pale blue folder which begged for my attention immedatily.

Paticent: 24368 -Daniel Mead-

AGE: 11


Prior heart surgery was a success but traces of 'joker venom' are in his blood stream, must keep an eye on......

Despite my eyes scanning the same medical file for the hunderth time, none of the latest information was sinking in. A little boy had come in for a rountine operation for his heart condition, one of the tainted blood parcel had made it's way in to his surgery. He was still suffering from the shock of the joker venom, he had survived un like most but he was pretty much in a coma at this point and it wasn't looking good. We could treat the symtoms but without a direct antidote to the venom, we couldn't do much. We didn't even know what to do with him. He's one of the only ones who survived the attack. I had requested him as my pactient after his little sister talked to me in the hall, it had only been yesterday that i had gained his file offically.

As I stepped towards the room's door way, I stopped myself just short of entering. My shoes just edging towards the door. I tried once again to read the key notes I would need to know about his condition. When that didn't work I glanced into the room. The dimly lit hospital room, the boy's two mothers sat nervously at his bed side. While his significantly younger sister lay silently on the ground, armed with scrap paper and crayons. Despite both of them tightly grasping on to one another's hands for comfort the room's air felt heavy. The closest to the boy's fragile body had crimson rings under her eyes, a slight puffiness still clung under her skin. looking up from my papers, the small, fragile boy came into my eyeline. His chest rose and fell shallowly, i could almost hear his heavy croaky voice from here. His skin was an unhealthy shade of pale, despite his eyes being softly closed, I could almost see the dark drooping bags under his lashes. His conditon felt uncomfortably familar when I noticed the faint scar that lined the centre of his ribcage. I shook my head to myself, the feeling of unnerving sense of simualrity.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped into the room. The smell of steralized medicine following behind me. No one but their little daughter looked up at me as I entered silently. Her neutral expression lit up for a breif second before turning to her mothers.

"Mommy, the nice nurse is here!" she said, abanding her colouring to join their side. "She told me yesterday she would help Daniel get better." I almost wanted to crumble to my knees right then an there. The navie hope in her voice almost made me want to shatter entirely. The once crying mother looked up to me, begging for me to give her some form of hope. Any kind of hope.

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