Chapter 16: Getting close

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2 months later....

"Still nothing?" i asked a my fists tightly clenched onto the handles of a pair of mugs. My bare feet walking across the cold, steel plates that made up the batcave. The chilling cold of the cave nipping at my arms. My voice echoed quietly as I approached the back of Jason's back. He silently sat at the bat computer, I had barely seen him move from that spot. Setting one down next to Jason, I leaned on the desk by his side. His eyes did look up from the screen, his fingers still typing against the glass keyboard. 

"Nope. Not a trace." he muttered, his lips pursed. 

I cursed quietly to myself inside my mug before taking a sip. Silence filled between us, the evidance flying over the bat computer over and over. "You'll find him, i swear." I said finally. At this point, the Joker had been consierdably quiet. We had heard nothing, we had seen nothing. No one knew what he was planning but the silence and lack of leads seemed to make it worse. It seemed to have taken it's toll of Jason the most so far.  

"I'm not so sure" he muttered before finally tearing his icy blue eyes away from the computer screen, the faint light of the illuminating against his pale skin. I could see dark circles starting to form under his tired eyes. Giving a pityful smile, he ignored the still warm cup of tea that sat by his side. 

"You will, it's not like him to be this quiet. You'll find him." My right hand rubbing his muslcar arm in an attempt to comfort him, he gently shrugged me off but didn't remove the small closed lip smile as he stared at me.

"What did I do to deserve you." he remarked. I snickered before rolling my eyes up to heaven. 

"Did you know you get super cheesy when your sleepy?" I asked, my brow raised. Expecting him to fire off a sarcastic remark he stayed silent. His expression unreadable to me, it seemed to be a mixture of sleepy but happy. " tired are you?" i remarked as I pressed the back of my hand against his forehead. He didn't have a tempature, but I had never seen him look at me like this. I perched myself firmly on the desk. My toes just dangling above the floor. 

"Is it that bad to look at my girlfriend and appreciate her"

I blinked. shock rattling me for a second, he had never refered to me as his girlfriend. Confusion coiled around my brain, when had this development happened. 

"I'm your girlfriend now? since when?" i asked, my eyebrow arched

"since we d-"

suddenly realising the direction of where Jason was going to go with the conversation I cut him off with a short but loud yelp. I could feel the flesh under my cheeks begining to burn, he darkly chuckled as he watched me squirm slightly. 

"I should make you blush more often." he chuckled. 

"When was the last time you got some rest?" I asked, trying to get the conversation back on track. Clearing my throat, I prayed my cheeks would no longer burn. He tore his gaze away from me and back to the screen. His lips pursed, clearly ignoring my question. I sighed, Jason would certainly ignore all health concerns from me until this was over. I glanced down at the desk as Jason went back to work.  Ignoring his tea, he began to type on the computer once again. Twisting on my pearch, my eyes scanned the overly wide screen. My brows frowed as my eyes lightly squinted at the evidance he had so far. 

"Jason. when was the last time you looked at that warehouse again?" I asked. My eyes taking note of the warehouse that had gotten me involved in first place. Jason glanced to me before going back to the screen. 

"That old warehouse? Me and Bruce checked it months ago, nothing was there." he responded before sighing. I could see the cogs in his brain working overtime to try and piece this evidance together. 

"Have you checked it again?"

"No. No need to"

"Is it worth a check again?"

"I would say yes." Tim said. "A drone I sent out has picked up some activity just outside." Tim's voice echoed out from the entrance of the bat cave. Both of our heads snapping to the direction of his voice, still in his armour and tablet in hand he walked towards us. Once Tim was a few meters away from us he flashed us the tablet in his gloved hands. Slightly grained drone footage showed a warehouse drenched in a thick blanket of snow, small ant like figures wandering in and out of the building. Each one carrying a box of some kind.

"Do we know what's in those crates?" he asked, his brow raised. 

"Nope. whatever he has been doing in there he's keeping it pretty tight."

"How do we know this isn't a trap?" Jason asked, turning in his office chair towards Tim. 

"We don't." Tim responded before lazily setting the tablet down beside me. 

A deafing, uncomfortable silnce filled in between us all. Wiggling in my seat, i glanced between Tim and Jason, niether of they saying a word. 

"It's worth a shot." I said, my voice trying to be hopeful but honestly i wasn't even conviced in the conviction in my own voice. 

"It's in Moscow. I don't want to leave you alone." Jason admitted, turning his full attention to me. I shifted my weight to better face Jason, my hands still loosely holding to the mug on my thighs. The heat barely able to breach through my lazy tracksuit bottoms. 

"I'm not alone. Tim would be here." I pointed out. Jason anxiously glanced over to Tim, still not fully conviced. Tim said nothing, his eyes cast down to the ground knowing anything he would say wouldn't help in convincing Jason. "We've been here for over 2 months now, if he knew we were here, don't you think he would have done something by now?"

Jason's teeth bit his bottom lip, still unsure of what to do. "Jason. I'm going to be okay. Go and end this" I said. 

"I'll stay with her Jace" he promised. 

Jason grunted, his nails running through his hair roughly. He flung his body back of the chair, i could clearly see the disgust in his expression. "Okay" he muttered before turning in his chair to fully face Tim, leaning forward in his seat, a deadly glare in his eyes. 

"I swear to God Tim, if anything happens, I'm going to kick your ass so hard your going to wish you never had been born."

Tim glanced over to me in an attempt to ask for help but I defiently knew I wasn't going to argue with Jason on this. I shook my head. Jason suddeny turned to me, i blinked before my eyes widened. "And you, I swear if you even set foot out of this house I will-"

"yeah, I know kick me ass, you say all the time tough guy"

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